Results that match 3 of 4 words

Current students_

Financial support

phone, electricity and gas bills. medical and dental bills. travel and accommodation costs for compulsory placements. ... childcare arrangements during peak periods for both coursework and higher degree research (e.g.
Current students_

Financial support vouchers

research students studying the Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL) of 1.0 per year. ... if you would like to receive a voucher for medical items - evidence of medical need, e.g.
Current students_

United States Federal Student Aid (Direct Loan Program)

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Students. Receive an outcome of ‘unsatisfactory progress’ in their progress evaluation meetings. ... Federal Student Aid for one semester only or one research period only for research students.
Current students_

Advertised bursaries

undergraduate students in agriculture undertaking field work and other research at rural sites. ... undertaking field work and other research at rural sites as part of their degree.