
State of the Environment: the findings

19 July 2022 -
State of the Environment: report findings. 19 July 2022. Australia's environment is deteriorating, finds a landmark five-yearly report co-authored by Professor Emma Johnston. The number of Australia's threatened species rose eight percent since 2016

Women lack critical nutrient for pregnancy

21 January 2020 -
More than 40 per cent of women are deficient in iodine, an essential mineral in developing healthy brains in babies, new research has found.

What helps rescued wildlife stay alive?

1 June 2022 -
What helps rescued wildlife stay alive? 23 March 2022. Human activity decreases survival rates, metanalysis finds. Five factors, including human activity such as road accidents, affect the survival of injured or displaced wildlife, a comprehensive

Is time-out damaging your child?

17 June 2022 -
Time-out has had a bad rap. New research from University of Sydney says it is still the most effective child discipline method. Read more.

Explainer: the federal Climate Policy Review

The federal government's new climate policy review proposes loosening the rules on Australia’s biggest-emitting companies, such as power generators. Dr Rebecca Pearse explains how it might be a sign of business as usual.

THE impact rankings 2021

6 August 2021 -
For a second year the University of Sydney has been named as one of the world’s leading institutions making a positive impact on society, placing second in the world and first in Australia in the 2021 Times Higher Education Impact rankings.

Seventeen at Belvoir – a brilliant theatrical event with a happy, hetero ending

Seventeen at Belvoir – a brilliant theatrical event with a happy, hetero ending. 14 August 2015. "As a gay man watching the play’s ending, I felt I’d seen this story too many times to feel part of its investments in the future," writes Dr Huw

Health Check: the low-down on standing desks

Health Check: the low-down on standing desks. 19 August 2015. Five things you should know before getting a standing desk, writes Josephine Chau and Lina Engelen . Sitting, it’s becoming fashionable to note, is the “new smoking”. Sedentary

Where does untreated wastewater go in developing countries?

14 billion litres of untreated wastewater is created each day in developing countries, but we don't know where it all goes. Humanitarian engineer, Dr Jacqueline Thomas explains.

Nation needs a 10-year plan for maths and science

University of Sydney expert Dr Rachel Wilson makes the case for a long-term Australian education plan and policy, in an Australian Financial Review opinion piece.