
Surveys - Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

epilepsy, and experiences and opinions of cannabis use in epilepsy.

Eggs not linked to cardiovascular risk, despite conflicting advice

18 November 2019 -
Eating up to 12 eggs a week does not increase cardiovascular risk factors in people with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, new research finds – despite conflicting dietary advice continuing around the world.

An austere Christmas is on the cards - but don't say recession

18 December 2023 -
An austere Christmas is on the cards - but don't say recession. 18 December 2023. Interest rate rises belie economic reality. The very concept of a recession has contested definitions - so how do we know if we are in one? Dr Luke Hartigan explains

It's not just vaccine refusers who might not get the COVID-19 vaccination

12 April 2021 -
It's not just vaccine refusers who might not get the COVID-19 vaccination. 22 February 2021. The surprising reasons why people don’t get vaccinated. As the COVID-19 vaccine rolls out, Coronavirus joins many other disease super-villains tackled by

Why an Indigenous voice would not be a 'third chamber' of parliament

22 October 2019 -
Other bodies that inform parliament, like the Productivity Commission, aren't considered 'third chambers' as they have no power to initiate, pass or reject bills, writes Professor Anne Twomey in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law

Sacked Uber driver case shows driver vulnerability under law. 20 May 2016. Should Uber drivers be entitled to Fair Work protections? A case of an Uber driver from Perth suing the company because his contract was terminated may show how protected

The Frederick Sefton Delmer Scholarship - Scholarships

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University:. ... the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds provided, the University may require the student

Sydney experts explain what we can do to close the gender pay gap

Sydney experts explain what we can do to close the gender pay gap. 27 August 2020. Gender and work experts from the Women & Work Research Group on this year's pay gap. 28 August was Equal Pay Day, marking the 59 extra days from the end of the

Will public pressure bury the horse racing industry?

However, As Hall of Fame thoroughbred trainer Lee Freedman tweeted, “If we don’t make real changes the court of public opinion will bury racing”. ... This article was first published on The Conversation as 'Horse racing must change, or the court

Puppy killing disease rampant in Australia

10 October 2018 -
A University of Sydney study has found that canine parvovirus (CPV), a highly contagious and deadly disease that tragically kills puppies, is more prevalent than previously thought with 20,000 cases found in Australia each year, and nearly half of