
Policies seeking to discourage caesarean births are harming mothers and babies

23 January 2020 -
For example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently published a Committee Opinion that explicitly dismisses obstetric trauma as a performance indicator of obstetric services.

Dental tourism: things to consider before going that extra mile for your smile

If you don’t feel you can ask questions, or that you are getting answers that satisfy your needs, you should be able to have a second opinion.

Can you sue someone for giving you a bad reference?

Despite the wide application of Australian defamation law, if you’ve been given a bad reference, you have very limited recourse.

The Justice Peter Hely Scholarship - Scholarships

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University:. ... eligibility for the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds paid to the student, the

Centenary of ‘Spanish flu’ pandemic in Australia

14 October 2019 -
‘Spanish flu’, the pandemeic that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide, made landfall in Australia by 1919. About a third of all Australians were infected and nearly 15,000 people were dead in under a year. Dr Peter Hobbins from the

Our new science courses

1 February 2018 -
Our new science courses. 4 August 2017. Part of the new Sydney Undergraduate Experience. From 2018, science study options will be better than ever before, with new majors and greater graduate outcomes. Share. Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of

Brainless organisms can learn - so what does it mean to think?

6 October 2023 -
Jellyfish, coral, fungi, bacteria and famously slime moulds get by perfectly well without a brain. Director of the Sensory and Evolutionary Ecology Lab, Dr Tom White, explores how learning works in different species and what this says about evolution

Entrepreneurship excellence in INCUBATE's 2021 intake

6 July 2021 -
Entrepreneurship excellence in INCUBATE's 2021 intake. 19 February 2021. 10 start-ups chosen for University accelerator program. INCUBATE, Australia's first university-based accelerator program, has announced the ten start-ups accepted for this

Should I throw away food once a fly has landed on it?

Should I throw away food once a fly has landed on it? 4 January 2016. Flies can be a substantial annoyance and may also be a potential health risk. When it comes to passing on pathogens it's not necessarily the fly itself but where it's come from

Overuse of NDAs in sexual harassment cases in Australian workplaces

5 March 2024 -
A new report by Social Justice Practitioners-in-Residence at the University of Sydney Law School finds NDA overuse disadvantages and discriminates against women and calls for major reform from the legal profession.