
Sex in dragons: a complicated affair

8 June 2016 -
In most species, an individual’s sex is determined either by their genes or by the conditions they encounter as they develop. But in the large, spectacular Bearded Dragon, things get much more complicated; although sex is usually determined by

Who Likes social media gambling

Who 'Likes' social media gambling? 15 February 2017. Problem gambling is set to get worse because of social media, writes Sally Gainsbury from the Gambling Treatment Clinic. Research shows gaming and gambling are converging and are being embraced by

How do you find your calling?

28 March 2019 -
How do you find your calling? 24 April 2017. While many of us find it hard to decide what to eat for breakfast, some people seem to know exactly how they want their career to unfold. So how do you make big life decisions on what to study and where

Inspiring teachers to inspire students

28 April 2023 -
Inspiring teachers to inspire students. 14 December 2022. Travelling the same path to uncovering excellence. As Director of the STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy, Professor Manjula Sharma is passionate about equipping teachers with the tools and the

Endangered delicacy Tropical sea cucumbers in trouble

1 June 2022 -
Endangered delicacy: tropical sea cucumbers in trouble. 11 February 2022. Sea cucumbers are critical for healthy ocean ecosystems. Researchers are calling for better protection of tropical sea cucumbers in the Great Barrier Reef whose numbers are

Lone changer: Fish camouflage better without friends nearby

14 October 2021 -
Lone changer: fish camouflage better without friends nearby. 14 October 2021. Strength in numbers means less need to blend in. While gobies aren't the only fish with camouflage abilities, new research shows that their colour change is influenced by

Perspective shift

23 May 2024 -
At 31, writer Anne Howell (BA '85, University of Sydney) woke up in hospital, believing that she was a nine-year-old girl. She had no memory of her family, her baby daughter, or much else. With a case of retrograde amnesia, Anne had to rediscover

Business information systems research

Our business information systems research is globally recognised for its approach to industry engagement and analytical thinking in the field of digital business.

World scientists declare climate emergency

13 August 2021 -
More than 11,000 scientists from 150+ countries have endorsed a paper in BioScience that outlines the data that shows we face a climate emergency. Co-author Dr Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney explains what six steps we can take to