Industry and community

Industry and community. Collaborating for greater impact. We are committed to working with the legal profession, public and private sectors and communities to provide research and teaching that make a difference. Find out how you can join us. We are

Should Australia ban petrol cars?

13 August 2021 -
Should Australia ban petrol cars? 7 February 2020. "A necessary step towards a zero-carbon economy". Britain has announced it will ban petrol and hybrid cars by 2035. University of Sydney experts comment on whether Australia can and should adopt a

Easter chocolate toxic for dogs

31 March 2021 -
Chocolate is toxic to dogs, and other pets, so don't offer your companion animals Easter Eggs or even hot cross buns, which are high fat and may contain raisins. Give them a doggie snack instead.

Did COVID-19 models get it wrong? Professor Sally Cripps explains

Renowned University of Sydney statistician, Professor Sally Cripps, examines the efficacy of COVID-19 modelling as part of an online analysis with colleagues from Stanford University and North-Western University.

Parent-inclusive autism treatment to go national

9 June 2021 -
Parent-inclusive autism treatment to go national. 17 June 2021. Rollout to commence after program deemed effective. In line with the program's aims, families who trialled ParentWorks-Spectrum reported significantly lower child behaviour difficulties,

Pufferfish teaches business students lateral thinking

2 November 2021 -
Pufferfish teaches business students lateral thinking. 1 November 2021. Dried pufferfish skin and an anti-gravity suit whet students' creativity. Objects from the Chau Chak Wing Museum are incorporated into a core Master of Commerce Unit at the

Increased private health insurance premiums don’t mean increased value

A topic of discussion at many barbecues this summer will inevitably be private health insurance. Is it worth it? Do we need it? Every year it gets more expensive. The average 4.8% increase in premiums just announced will have more Australians

Beyond Zoom: students immerse themselves in virtual reality classes

29 April 2020 -
Beyond Zoom: students immerse themselves in virtual reality classes. 24 April 2020. As COVID-19 continues to pause in-person teaching, a psychology class on virtual reality therapies enters a new dimension. Associate Professor Hamish MacDougall

Philanthropy snapshot 2022 & 2023

18 December 2023 -
Philanthropy snapshot 2022 & 2023. 29 November 2023. Year in review. These snapshots are a few examples of recent philanthropy, which have created opportunities to learn, research, and innovate across the University. From community fundraisers to

Showing up for others, thanks to supporters

14 April 2023 -
With a 148-year history, Student Bursaries remain a critical lifeline for students in desperate need of financial support. For Tim Bishop they have enabled him to focus on realising his career aspiration as a linguist whilst raising a young family.