Is your project racing against time? | CCE

Welcome to the CCE blog. News & opinion_. Is your project racing against time?

Science Alliance newsletter - July 2019

of Sydney . Back to top . News & Opinion. Sydney scientists named on Periodic Table of younger. chemists. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has created the.

New drugs on the PBS: what they do and why we need them

The government has announced additions, amendments and deletions from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Dr Nial Wheate from the Faculty of Pharmacy discusses the seven most notable new additions to the scheme.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day: A turning point in Australian history. 10 November 2017. Historians reflect on Australia's wartime past. A year away from the centenary of the end of World War I, University of Sydney history academics reflect on the Great War's

7 steps to a more climate-resilient garden | CCE

Welcome to the CCE blog. News & opinion_. 7 steps to a more climate-resilient garden.

9 moments in the University of Sydney history you need to know

16 June 2020 -
From the world's first female radio astronomer to the discovery of neurons that allow us to see in 3D, a new book details highlights from Australia's first University.

How to increase team collaboration in workplace | CCE

Welcome to the CCE blog. News & opinion_. How to increase team collaboration in the workplace.

7 tips for studying beginner’s Italian | CCE

Welcome to the CCE blog. News & opinion_. 7 tips for studying beginner’s Italian.

Film and Screen Arts - Course resolutions

3) In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake