
What happens next if there is a hung Parliament?

What happens next if there is a hung Parliament? 5 July 2016. Professor of Constitutional Law shares her insights on the hung Parliament question. Australia will have to wait 6 months for another election and the Prime Minister will remain until he

Australharmony - Sydney Amateur Concerts 1826-27

For our own parts, we have always been of opinion, that Races, like Balls, Theatres and Concerts, might be made sufficiently moral to justify the presence of pious men.

Australharmony - Chronicle 1542-1800

t] shining insomuch that they were almost of opinion that they were made of some kind of metal, but myself thought they were no more than wood smeard over with the

Ophthalmic Science - Course resolutions

In exceptional circumstances the Faculty may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications, evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.

University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014

course in that faculty where, in the opinion of the Dean, exceptional circumstances exist.

Visiting Scholar Fellowships | United States Studies Centre

The Centre welcomes research proposals falling within the sub-fields of US foreign policy, US domestic politics, US history, American visual and literary culture, US and Australian elections, public opinion, election

3 steps to acing Italian with our menu of classes | CCE

Welcome to the CCE blog. News & opinion_. 3 steps to acing Italian with our menu of classes.

Health Policy and Planning - Course resolutions

In exceptional circumstances the Faculty may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications, evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.

Outside Earnings of Academic Staff Policy 2011

3) Subject to subclause 11(1), additional time above 20% may be allowed for University commercial activity if, in the opinion of the relevant executive supervisor:. ... 4) Subject to subclause 11(1), additional time above 20% may be allowed for private

Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease - Scholarships

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University:. ... the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds provided, the University may require the student