On dangerous ground: land degradation is turning soils into deserts – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Or, even better, inform yourself, talk to others about it, form your own opinion about what should be done, then try to make it happen.

Sydney Institute of Criminology 2018 Highlights

1. Sydney Institute of Criminology Sydney Law School. Highlights of 2018. 2. Contents Directors’ Statement. 3. Leadership in 2019. 5. Institute Members. 5. Advisory Committee. 6. Activities in 2018. 7. Institute Meetings. 8. Show Up and Write

NSWLRC Submission on Consent_final

Tas) s 2A(2)(h) consent is negated when a person is ‘so affected by alcohol or another drug as to be unable to form a rational opinion in respect of ... Although statements of opinion are generally inadmissible in trials, s 79 of the Uniform Evidence


Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President. Level 4, F23 The Michael Spence Building. The University of Sydney. NSW 2006 Australia. T 61 2 9351 6980. E vice.chancellor@sydney.edu.au. sydney.edu.au. ABN 15 211 513 464. CRICOS 00026A. Professor Mark

COVID-19's temporary measures a long-term solution to road congestion – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

opinions over appropriate action. ... As we leave the current state of consensus over action, to a potentially more difficult and fractious period of easing restrictions, there will likely be a competition of opinions over appropriate

The Future, This Week 24 November 2017 – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

But we're calling this out as not news. My opinion is that Uber needs to provide some narrative, some vision for its investors, because it is still burning through a

The Financial Services Human Rights Benchmark Methodology Sydney Law ...

The information contained in this report is not intended to constitute legal, tax, financial or investment advice and nothing in the report is intended to imply any recommendations or opinions.

Politics at work on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Sandra And while some employees clearly want to keep having those conversations at work, and their activism, or their opinions, or stances on social and political issues are as much part