scnews: "Sydney Dynamics Group Seminar: Mason Porter -- Spreading Processes on Networks" by Georg Gottwald

I will also briefly discuss other types of opinion models, such as bounded-confidence models (which were introduced originally to attempt to model how extremism can take root in a population).

First Nations Officer at SULS Nathan Allen speech

Many of them come from privilege, finished their university education and perpetuated their fathers and grandfather’s opinions.

James Crabtree on India's billionaire raj – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

And that's not just my opinion, that's the conclusion of the World Inequality Report, co-authored by more than 100 economists across five continents.

Bob Howlett: research

J. Algebra. 206 (1998), no. 2, 371–412. (A preliminary version of this paper, which in my opinion is in some ways better than the published version is available as a

Xiaohongshu (Little RED Book) and social commerce on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

I asked around my friends, they all had different experiences, I couldn't quite consolidate it, it was only two or three opinions. ... Kai Which brings us to KOL, key opinion leaders, or back to the influencers that we started out with.

PowerPoint Presentation

Quarterly. She has also published opinion editorials and. commentaries on broader environmental issues through.

Escalating cooperation: Nuclear deterrence and the US-Australia alliance | United States Studies Centre

43-44. In addition, and despite the lack of tangible cooperation, public opinion in Australia against nuclear weapons turned strongly negative and led to significant demonstrations against both the Joint Facilities