comparative law – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

The breadth of the standard makes it difficult to attribute the difference in opinion between the members of the Court to any legal error. ... way, difference in opinion ceases to be unexpected, and perhaps, becomes inevitable.11.

2019 Food Governance Conference abstract booklet

However, contextual factors such as actors/institutions and power structures, political will and risk tolerance, media attention and public opinion tend to moderate TIA influence on policy space. ... TIAs. For restricting advertising of unhealthy foods,

Red is the new black: Support for and attitudes towards socialism in Australia and the United States | United States Studies Centre

Support for government ownership of the economy. Source: USSC. These different results are explained by two factors: the different partisan patterns (detailed below) and opinions of older respondents in the two ... YouGov is a market research and opinion

We can build a more inclusive government and economy out of the pandemic – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Having door-knocked residents to ask their opinions, the new group proposed plans for new industries and jobs to create economic security for local residents.

The Future, This Week 5 Apr 19: #ChinaTech: chatbots and #TikTok – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

of followers, and they make millions of dollars just you know being a, what they call 'key opinion leader' on the platform.

Misinformation, fake news and elections on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Jevin Ah, too soon, in my opinion. We're staying up pretty much around the clock, trying to track these kinds of things. ... or done any of the opinion hacking that people were talking about'.

Technology and Security (TS) podcast | Decoupling, de-risking and tech diplomacy – special episode | United States Studies Centre

Technology collaboration with Japan is excellent, and in public opinion polls, Americans and Australians trust Japan more than any other country in Asia. ... This is fairly new, I think, in public opinion, and the connection of values to technology in

Student Ephemera [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] (Series 227) | University of Sydney Archives

The material was collected by the Vice-Chancellor's Office in order to monitor student activism and opinion.

Ebbing opportunity: Australia and the US National Technology and Industrial Base | United States Studies Centre

The United States’ National Technology and Industrial Base (NTIB) is a congressionally-mandated policy framework that is intended to foster a defence free-trade area among the defence-related research and development sectors of the United States,

Sydn ey S outh east Asia Cen tre 2014 ...

Sydn. ey S. outh. east. Asia. Cen. tre. 2014. -15. Year. book. The. Univ. ersi. ty o. f Sy. dney. Con. tact. us. sydn. ey.e. du.a. u/so. uthe. ast-. asia. -cen. tre. 61 2. 911. 4 09. 53. Cove. r imag. e: L. ao v. endo. r se. lls. her.