Senate Inquiry into the Federal Government’s proposed Higher Education Support Amendment

Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal. F23 - Administration Building. The University of Sydney. NSW 2006 Australia. T 61 2 9351 6980. E ABN 15 211 513 464. CRICOS 00026A. Dr Michael Spence AC

Hush, Noel Sydney | University of Sydney Archives

He was elected to the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences in 2011, and won the Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences in 2013(From

Red Square nebula displays exquisite symmetry - space - 12 April 2007 - New Scientist Space

Astronomers have discovered a new nebula with a dazzling, gem-like symmetry, but the nature of the star or stars that produced it is a mystery

Cambridge Analytica scandal is not a 'breach'. It is Facebook's business model in action – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

As the Facebook story illustrates, our data can be used not only to sell us personalised products and services, but also to distort our opinions and alter our behaviour.

Health in Strategic Planning

Health in Strategic Planning (A report for the Henry Halloran Trust for Strategic Partnerships Grant 16HT03, July 2017) Jennifer L. Kent1, Patrick Harris2, Peter Sainsbury3, Emily Riley4, Elizabeth Harris5. 1 Research Fellow, Sydney School of

Communities of Practice Paper: Getting to the Heart of the Workplace Learning, Sharing and Innovation

experienced than me having their say.” “Look I’m sure you can trust them, but why don’t you prepare something, and I will give you my own opinion first before

Roadmap towards ending TBin children and adolescents Second edition ...

General disclaimers. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO or contributing agencies ... 1. Strengthen advocacy at all levelsTargeting:

Swinging the Pendulum Towards the Politics of Production: Animal-Based Food and Environmental Justice

The University of Sydney 5. However today, there are almost daily media reports and opinion pieces which have drawn attention to the problems surrounding animal agriculture, and at the same time