Secrecy, sovereignty and sharing: How data and emerging technologies are transforming intelligence | United States Studies Centre

Emerging technologies are redefining national security and the way nations protect individual rights and freedoms. The big data landscape — and the emerging technologies it drives — are challenging some of the fundamental principles and

TED Talks and science on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

And so emboldened by their success in public opinion, they have put forward an initiative to abandon many of the short haul flights within Germany.

Epic, Apple and Fortnite on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

One such story has been in The Verge titled "Apple and Epic have to win over more than just a judge - The important jury is in the court of public opinion". ... So the question posed by The Verge article we started out with today as to how this will play

International Commercial Court: The Chinese Model

The members may mediate cases entrusted by the International Commercial Court to resolve international commercial disputes for litigant parties, provide advisory opinions on specific legal issues in international commercial dispute cases

scnews: "Congratulations to Sally Cripps, Emi Tanaka and Lamiae Azizi" by Lamiae Azizi

SMS scnews item created by Lamiae Azizi at Tue 27 Aug 2019 1726. Type: Other. Distribution: University. Expiry: 30 Aug 2019. CalTitle1: Congratulations to Sally Cripps, Emi Tanaka and Lamiae Aizi. Auth: lamiae@plamiae.pc (assumed). Congratulations

The Future, This Week 22 June 2018 – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

And The Financial Times had a really interesting opinion piece that was called "The digital future is female, but not in a good way"and it was actually a story that

Public policy and politics – Page 6 – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

Out of 14 organisations and individuals (including myself) invited to give evidence at public hearings in May 2015, based on their written submissions, nine volunteered opinions on ISDS and a further

Page 1 22nd Bien nial C onfer ence of ...

At a time when leaders advocate a fake news and post-truth world, we have a responsibility to continue to present richly researched, critically scrutinised and evidence-based opinions.

Anthropological Society of Western Australia Report on the Preservation of Aboriginal Sites | University of Sydney Archives

Dr Ride indicated that the Anthropological Society of WA might be interested to participate and that a subcommittee was anxious to have the opinions of the Anthropological Society of WA.