Universal primary prevention of AOD use and related harms: An overview of reviews

An unsystematic review, expert opinion or government report. D. a RCTs: randomised controlled trials; CTs: controlled trials; ITSs interrupted time series.

The Judith Yates Essay Prize in Economics (pdf, 133.91KB).

of Economics or their nominated delegate(s). b. The Prize will be awarded to the applicant who, in the opinion of the selection committee,.

Dispute resolution – Page 8 – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

Out of 14 organisations and individuals (including myself) invited to give evidence at public hearings in May 2015, based on their written submissions, nine volunteered opinions on ISDS and a further

Asia-Pacific regional architecture – Page 4 – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

The breadth of the standard makes it difficult to attribute the difference in opinion between the members of the Court to any legal error. ... way, difference in opinion ceases to be unexpected, and perhaps, becomes inevitable.11.

First University Calendar

casé of any misbehaviour of such tutor or master of a boarding house or of the Students under his care, which in the opinion of the Prorost or Vice-Provost, and

Shruti Janakiraman – Erga Omnes – The SCIL Blog

advisory opinion, Koroma J in his dissent persuasively concluded that secession without the consent of the current state would be contrary to international law’s preservation of territorial boundaries.

The ‘reserve currency’ myth: The US dollar’s current and future role in the world economy | United States Studies Centre

The US dollar exchange rate has become increasingly politicised. President Donald Trump has called for a weaker exchange rate, a move away from a long-standing and bipartisan rhetorical position favouring a "strong dollar". At the same time, US D