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The most groundbreaking papers in this direction are (inour opinion) the paper by Williamson [Wil17] commonly known as “Torsion ex-plosion” (that broke down the old paradigm), the paper by Riche


Home and Living Options for People with Disabilities: A systematic review and environmental scan of strategies to support transition from group homes and congregate care, and those which prevent movement to congregate settings. Date 11th March 2021.

Erga Omnes – The SCIL Blog Afterwords on International Law. Wed, 20 Sep 2023 03:27:10 0000. en-AU. hourly. 1.

Principal's Work Requirements

Page 1 of 68. Principal’s Work Requirements. University Infrastructure. Page 2 of 68. Table of Contents 1. General. 8. 1.1 Application. 8. 1.1.1. Generally. 8. 1.2 Defined terms. 8. 1.2.1 Terms used in the Contract. 8. 1.2.2 Other terms used in


In the opinion and experience of the author, developing and exploiting the nexus, betweensyntax of symbolic representation and the underlying semantics, is perhaps the most impor-tant feature of successful mathematics

Public policy and politics – Page 2 – Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific

The ACCC said it did not propose to comment on Wright’s “actions or opinions”. ... to present their papers and exchange opinions.

PowerPoint Presentation - Force on Arm

Opinions. Some people say that the sweet spot is located at the centre of percussion of the striking implement.

32-BEACH rpt template 2011

This report highlights changes in general practice activity in Australia over the most recent decade (April 2002 to March 2012) of the BEACH program, a national cross-sectional study of general practice activity. Over this time 9,802 GPs provided

34-BEACH rpt template 2011

GENERAL PRACTICE SERIES N34. A decade of Australian general practice activity2003–04 to 2012–13Family Medicine Research Centre. GENERAL PRACTICE SERIES Number 34. Sydney University Press. A decade of Australian general practice activity

Comments on: China, national security, and investment treaties

07/china-national-security-and-investment-treaties/#comment-13. Another view on Hu: (Peter Hartcher, <a ... upsets-the-fox-in-his-lair-20090821-etpk.html)" rel="nofollow">