Surgery - Sydney Medical School

In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the school, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the

Course rules and resolutions - Business School Postgraduate

2). In exceptional circumstances the Business School may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Business School, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to

Surgery - Medicine and Health PG

In exceptional circumstances the Faculty may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the

Cancer and Haematology Nursing - Medicine and Health PG

c). In exceptional circumstances the Faculty may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake ... e). In exceptional

Strategic Public Relations - Arts and Social Sciences (Postgraduate)

MECO6913 Public Opinion, Policy and Public Sphere. Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr ... This unit analyses the relationship between professional

Doctor of Medical Science - Medicine and Health PG

The Doctor of Medical Science is awarded for published work that, in the opinion of the examiners, constitutes a distinguished contribution to knowledge or creative achievement and is recognized by scholars

General Practice and Primary Health Care - Medicine and Health PG

In exceptional circumstances the Faculty may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the

Brain and Mind Sciences - Sydney Medical School

In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the School, have qualifications, evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award..

Bachelor of Laws - Sydney Law School

Students will appreciate the significant law reform in this area. The unit considers the rules for adducing evidence, then the rules of admissibility (relevance, hearsay, opinion, tendency and coincidence, credibility, character,