Clinical Trials Research - Sydney Medical School

In exceptional circumstances the dean may admit applicants without this qualification who, in the opinion of the School, have qualifications, evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award..

Master of Urban and Regional Planning - Architecture

In the context of major changes to the way planning and design is practiced, this is an opportunity to develop methods to understand pluralistic opinions, needs, preferences and citizen power.

Handbooks Online 2019 Errata - Faculty handbooks

Students will combine the tools of data science with an understanding of public opinion to study citizen behaviour and craft political strategies.

Master of Criminology (Research) - Sydney Law School

the opinion of the School Postgraduate Research Education Committee, are equivalent to those prescribed in sub-clause (1)..

Master of Laws (research degree) - Sydney Law School

the opinion of the School Postgraduate Research Education Committee, are equivalent to those prescribed in sub-clause (1)..

Course rules and resolutions - Business School Postgraduate

2). In exceptional circumstances the Business School may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Business School, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to

Numbers that tell health stories - Intranet

In my opinion, reliance on evidence-based rapid policy decisions is a major contributor towards the high quality Covid-19 pandemic response governed by NSW Health.

Indigenous Languages Education - Arts and Social Sciences (Postgraduate)

In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the