
Global gathering of First Nations gathers pace

24 October 2018 -
First Nations people from across the globe will attend the eighth Gathering of Healing Our Spirit Worldwide on Cadigal Country in Sydney next month, to build solutions for First Nations communities - co-hosted by the University of Sydney and The

Is relocating Indonesia’s capital feasible?

2 October 2019 -
Built on a marsh and sitting below sea level, Jakarta has a population of 10 million and is rapidly sinking. The Indonesian Government has announced its plan to relocate the country's capital to the island of Borneo, but will it improve living and

News and events

5 July 2024 -
Learn more about the latest news, events, podcasts and media mentions at the Sydney Law School. Visit our website for more.

Vitamin B3 derivative cuts risk of new skin cancers

1 February 2018 -
What is vitamin B3? Find out how research from the University of Sydney links a form of B3 with lowered risk of common, non-melanoma skin cancer.

Greater social distancing could curb COVID-19 in 13 weeks

6 April 2020 -
How to reduce the spread of COVID-19: A University of Sydney data study reveals social distancing must be adopted by at least 80 percent of the Australian population. Read more about the data modelling here.

COVID-19 pandemic set to peak in several days in Australia

3 April 2020 -
New University of Sydney research has revealed that Australia is nearing the COVID-19 pandemic peak. It also showed that 8,000 - 10,000 people are expected to fall ill with the virus over the course of the pandemic.

Sydney Nano announces its five Grand Challenge projects

4 December 2019 -
The University of Sydney Nano Institute has announced its five Grand Challenges to tackle some of society's most pressing scientific, health and environmental problems.

New approach to treating thumb osteoarthritis

14 March 2023 -
Thumb-base osteoarthritis, which is common particularly in post-menopausal women, can greatly limit the use of their hands. Now a study led by University of Sydney researchers have found a simple mix of treatments focusing on this small but

Nalini Joshi elected to leading role in world mathematics

27 November 2019 -
Professor Nalini Joshi has been elected as Vice-President of the International Mathematics Union, the leading worldwide body representing mathematicians. Joshi is a trailblazer for women in mathematics and is recognised for her scientific excellence