
Engineering/Commerce student envisions future Sydney

21 November 2019 -
Engineering/Commerce student envisions future Sydney. 17 November 2019. Undergraduate Engineering/Commerce student, James Kapaniris has been named the 2019 Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholar, for his vision to transform Sydney's living density.

Koala genome sequenced for the first time

27 November 2019 -
A team of Australian and international scientists, co-led by the University of Sydney and the Australian Museum Research Institute, have made a major break-through and completed the full sequencing of the koala genome; their findings are published

Gravitational waves world first discovery Down Under

21 January 2020 -
Gravitational waves world-first discovery Down Under. 17 October 2017. A Sydney team was the first in the world to confirm radiowaves from the latest gravitational waves event, resulting from a spectacular neutron star merger that has produced light

Professor Mary O’Kane awarded honorary doctorate

8 November 2018 -
The University of Sydney has awarded an honorary doctorate in Science to Professor Mary O'Kane AC for her lifelong contributions to science, engineering, national policy and higher education.

First Nations poet Evelyn Araluen wins prestigious prize

20 July 2022 -
Evelyn Araluen, 29, is the youngest winner of the 2022 Stella Prize for women and non-binary writers, and the first poet to win the Australian literary award worth $60,000 for her book of poetry Dropbear.

Blurring the boundaries between art and architecture

27 August 2020 -
Artist Chris Fox, today unveiled a new large-scale sculpture, Interchange Pavilion, in South Eveleigh’s reimagined Village Square inspired by the site’s industrious heritage and history of the area.

Design assistance for heart patients

17 October 2019 -
University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning collaborates with Monash University on a long-term medical device project to redesign patient experience for patients with cardiovascular disease.

Community languages institute celebrates first graduating cohort

7 March 2019 -
The Sydney Institute for Community Languages Education (SICLE) – a partnership between the University of Sydney and New South Wales Department of Education – has celebrated its first graduating cohort.

How to promote your baby’s healthy growth if you’re feeding with formula

While breastfeeding is the recommended approach to infant feeding, some mothers may not be able to writes Professor Elizabeth Denney-Wilson and Jessica Appleton from the Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Carrot not stick key to eating 5 serves of vegetables a day

24 October 2016 -
Most Australians do not meet World Health Organisation standards for vegetable consumption and now research points to a lack of understanding about the nutritional benefits of most vegetables (carrots and spinach are exceptions), with labelling