
Whether you are an undergraduate, postgraduate coursework student or a postgraduate researcher, we have an array of scholarships that could be right for you.

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A gift in your will can empower bold change for future generations. Learn about the legacies of our bequestors.

MBA scholarships awarded to Indigenous leaders

11 June 2024 -
MBA scholarships awarded to Indigenous leaders. 11 June 2024. Leaders in business and education pursue study to inspire Indigenous change. ... Indigenous Australians Leading in Business MBA Scholarship recipients, Belinda Craig and Belinda Murdoch, are

Past events - Sydney Environment Institute

08/04/2024. Oceanic narratives: interweaving past, present and future. James Bradley’s latest book, Deep Water, joins new scholarship that reckons with humanity’s complex relationship to the natural world. ... human perspectives and employing

Record donation funds MBA scholarships

26 August 2020 -
Record donation funds MBA scholarships. 12 September 2017. Business School welcomes extremely generous vote of confidence. ... The first scholarship to be funded from Mr Safarian’s donation will be awarded in 2019.

Australians studying overseas

You can visit the Australian Government website or contact for more information. ... Other funding for exchange students. If you are currently enrolled at the University of Sydney, and you're looking for funding to study

'Passion' key to being a successful leader

29 February 2016 -
BOSS Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The Financial Review BOSS Magazine and the University of Sydney Business School are searching for Australia's emerging leaders. ... Applications are now open for a prize package that includes a $60,000 MBA scholarship

Why study environmental engineering at Sydney?

12 April 2024 -
Students also have the opportunity to apply for an Engineering Sydney Industry Placement Scholarship, a six-month on-the-job experience as part of an industry team under the guidance of ... Environmental engineering students can apply to the Major
Current students_

Interest-free loans

Go to ‘My finance’, ‘Scholarships, prizes, bursaries and loans’, then ‘Apply for financial support’. ... Go to ‘My finance’, 'Scholarships, prizes, bursaries and loans’, then ‘Apply for loan extension’.
Current students_

Prepare your thesis

a statement if you have been in receipt of a Research Training Program scholarship: "This research reported in this thesis was supported by the award of a Research Training Program scholarship