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Student Life Grants 2020 - Intranet

Information about the 2020 application process, including guidelines, FAQs and a link to FluidReview, is available on the Student Life Grants intranet page.

Resources for staff - Intranet

Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. Faculty of Medicine and Health. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses. Strategy &

FMH Wins 5 August - Intranet

Over 350 participants, nearly 150 HDR candidate presentations, and don’t forget the 3-minute thesis competition! ... ResearchersDaniel Myles, Anne Marie Sarandrea, Dr Jazbeer Kaur and Dr Yvonne Tran from our Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct are

Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th September 2018Adelaide Oval Adelaide, ...

Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th. September 2018Adelaide Oval Adelaide, South Australia. INCREASING THE ADOPTION OF PRECISION AGRICULTURE IN AUSTRALIA. This event was made possible by the following partners. 21stPrecisionAgriculture Symposium. @SPAA_ 8Inc

Media training session for academics on 3 July - Intranet

This session will offer guidelines on how to lift your media profile through publicising research, offering expert commentary and writing opinion pieces.

Checklist for international visiting academics - Intranet

Faculty intranets. PSU intranets. Research intranets. Log in to access content throughout the IntranetLogged in as (). Sections. Faculty of Medicine and Health. HR & employment. Careers & training. Services. Contacts & campuses. Strategy &

Supporting HDR candidates - Intranet

You can find all relevant information as it pertains to HDRand thesis submission and examination on our intranet site (navigation pane on the left). ... Procedures 2020, and a new Higher Degree by Research Guidelines for Progress Evaluation Panel Members

FMH Wins 10 July - Intranet

The OPAL research team,and Professor Chris Maher say their research findings is proof that treatment guidelines should be updated to advise against the use of opioids for this purpose.

Faculty structure - Intranet

Our Readiness Checklist contains everything from changing your email signature, updating your academic profile online, updating presentations and guidelines on how to reference published documents.