Results that match 1 of 2 words


Recognising high-achieving students in language and culture studies

19 November 2024 -
The School of Languages and Cultures congratulates 75 students who received scholarships and prizes in 2020 for the 2019 academic year.


If it is successful, it could unlock commercial opportunities. “We are trying to better understand the process of fertilisation,” says Dr Tamara Leahy from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences,

Impact of giving - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Ann Kirby's gift to Jewish studies – an alumna of the University, the late Ann Kirby (nee Plotke) has left a $2 million bequest to the University to be used for

Antibody study confirms low levels of infection during first wave

11 November 2020 -
The study, involving researchers from the University of Sydney, was co-led by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney, and NSW Health ... countries.”. NCIRS, the Kirby Institute and the

Day 2: Times Higher Education Summit 2023

19 November 2024 -
Tamara Mason, Engineering student, Co-president, Sydney Women in Aerospace Engineering, University of Sydney. ... Engineering student Tamara Mason began her degree at the University of Sydney in 2021, during the height of the pandemic.

Sydney Mathematics & Statistics: Alphabetical Member List

Personnel (Alphabetical). Alphabetical. NOTE: this is the 'scwho' list, not anymore designed for viewing over the web, and some data may be obsolete. For up-to-date and nicer-looking, see the people list. The following is a list of members of the

Boosting Australia’s response to infectious disease outbreaks

18 December 2019 -
Medical Research, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, the Burnet Institute, Deakin University, Griffith University, James Cook University, the Menzies School of Health Research, Monash University, The Kirby Institute, University of

Holocaust memory: An Australian story?

Holocaust studies expert Dr Avril Alba explores the legacy of Holocaust remembrance in historical and contemporary Australian life.