Eur Heart J 2008;29:923–931. 41. Cui J, Forbes A, Kirby A, Simes J, Tonkin A. ... BMC Med Res Methodol 2010;10(1):27. 44. Bell K, Kirby A, Hayen A, Irwig L, Glasziou P.
Details. IdentifierREF-00012397 Date1984 Decade1980s Description. From left: Mr Ray Kirby, Chairman of the Science Foundation for Physics; Mr Chong-Ming Yung; Mr Otis Wright; Mr Leon Poladian; Mr Rolf Adams;
mental capacity had s/he turned his/her mind to the relevant question (R v Tolmie (1995) 37 NSWLR 660, 672 (Kirby P)) – and who is thus inadvertently reckless –clearly lacks ... Kirby J suggested in Lavender v The Queen, “no one would regard [him
The. Univ. ersi. ty o. f Sy. dney. Asso. ciat. e Pr. ofes. sor. Jane. And. rew. , Dr. Max. Bak. er a. nd. Dr P. hilip. Rob. erts. 2016. sydn. ey.e. du.a. u. Priso. n Pr. ivatis. atio. n in. Aus. tral. ia:. The. Stat. e of. the. Nat. ion. Prison
Thispaper generalises Gay and Kirby’s concept of a trisection tohigher dimensions in the piecewise linear category. ... 1. Gay D, Kirby R (2016) Trisecting 4-manifolds. Geom. Topol. 20(6):3097–3132.2.
Socioeconomic impact of low vision and blindness from paediatric eye disease in Australia. Save Sight Institute The University of Sydney. 15 July 2016. Report prepared by: Associate Professor John Grigg and Associate Professor Robyn Jamieson from
Page. 1. 22. nd B. iennia. l Con. feren. ce of. the A. sian S. tudies. Ass. ociat. ion of. Aus. tralia. Abstr. acts. Area. Stu. dies. and. Bey. ond. – Ab. stra. cts. 22nd. Bie. nnia. l Con. fere. nce. of th. e As. ian. Stud. ies. Asso. ciat. ion.
1. Final Submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission’s Review of Consent and Knowledge of Consent in Relation to Sexual Assault Offences. Andrew Dyer. 1 February 2019. Introduction. 1. In this submission, I respond to most of the questions posed
Reproduction and Perinatal CentreReport 2021-2023. Reproduction and Perinatal Centre Report 2021-2023 1. Message from the Centre Director. I am pleased to present a report of the activity of the Reproduction and Perinatal Centre (RPC), coinciding