Business School's International Scholarship - Scholarships

Business School International Scholarship

A University of Sydney Business School scholarship
Up to $10,000 scholarship awarded to international students commencing studies in a Business School degree at either bachelor's or master's level in the next semester of study.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$5,000 to $10,000
  • International student
  • Unconditional offer for a Bachelor's or Master's by coursework program (excluding MBA, MBA Leadership and Enterprise, Executive MBA, and Master of Management (CEMS))

How to apply

Offers for this scholarship have been paused for 2025 commencing students.


The amounts are offered based on ranking against selection criteria:

  • $10,000 fee credit for one semester
  • $5,000 fee credit for one semester

The allocation of scholarships to offer recipients will be determined by the Business School Scholarship Committee. Up to 100 scholarships will be allocated annually.

Who is eligible

You must:

  • be an international student
  • have applied for but not yet commenced a bachelor's degree or coursework master's degree that is a CRICOS registered award program usually delivered onshore at the University of Sydney Business School ("Eligible Course") (excluding MBA, MBA Leadership and Enterprise, and Executive MBA).

Note: Recipients commencing a second degree at the University of Sydney are eligible provided they have not previously held the same scholarship.


Business School International Scholarships are awarded to international students of outstanding academic merit from priority markets. The scholarship is open to commencing undergraduate and postgraduate international students who have received an unconditional offer of admission for a coursework full-time degree at the University of Sydney Business School.

1. Background

Business School International Scholarships are awarded to international students of outstanding academic merit from priority markets. The scholarship is open to commencing undergraduate and postgraduate international students who have received an unconditional offer of admission for a coursework full-time degree at the University of Sydney Business School.

2. Eligibility

a. To be eligible for the Scholarship, recipients must be an international student as defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 at the time of consideration.

b. The recipient must have applied for but not yet commenced a bachelor’s degree or a
coursework master’s degree that is a CRICOS registered award program usually delivered onshore at the University of Sydney Business School (“Eligible Course”) (excluding MBA, MBA Leadership and Enterprise, and Executive MBA).

c. Recipients commencing a second degree at the University of Sydney are eligible provided they have not previously held the same scholarship.

d. Students with credit from partner institutions are eligible to be considered if their credit does not exceed 48 credit points if commencing a bachelor’s degree, or 24 credit points if commencing a master’s degree.

e. The Scholarship may be held concurrently with other Scholarships and Awards offered by the University of Sydney or by an external provider.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded to commencing students from priority markets (as determined by the University of Sydney Business School at the time of consideration), based on exceptional or very high academic merit as assessed from a student’s application for admission.

b. The Scholarship may also be awarded to unconditional offer holders of very high merit from international higher education institutions with which the University of Sydney Business School has a formal degree partnership.

c. The Scholarship will be awarded in accordance with scores for exceptional and very high academic merit agreed upon by the Scholarships Committee of the University of Sydney Business School (“The Committee”), Chaired by the Deputy Dean (Students and External Partnerships), with a minimum of three members from the Business School.

4. Value

a. Two scholarship amounts are offered based on ranking against selection criteria:

I. $10,000 payable for one semester to commencing students of exceptional academic merit
II. $5,000 payable for one semester to commencing students of very high academic merit.

The overall number of scholarships will be determined by the School’s Executive Committee and the Committee and subject to availability of funds.

b. Recipients must return a signed copy of the acceptance of their conditional scholarship offer by the nominated deadline stated in the scholarship offer notification.

c. Recipients must enrol in the Eligible Course as per clause 2b of this document and remain enrolled after census date to receive payment.

d. The payment will be made as a credit to the recipient’s Student Fee Account after the census date of each semester. The credit can be used to offset tuition fee in the following semester. The credit cannot be converted to cash payment.

e. Deferral or suspension of the Scholarship is not permitted unless prior approval is given by the Committee.

f. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds subject to the maximum amount of funds available. Once the maximum amount has been met the University reserves the right to rescind and withdraw all unaccepted offers immediately.

g. No other amount is payable.

5. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,
II. becomes a domestic student by the relevant census date,
III. commences part-time study, defers, or suspends without prior approval,
IV. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application, or
V. any other provision as indicated in these terms that would lead to termination.

b. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.

6. Other Requirements

Scholarship recipients may be invited to promote the program in which they are enrolled, represent the University of Sydney at student welcome, marketing events and corporate networking events and fulfil the on-campus functions of a Business School Student Ambassador.

Frequently asked questions

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