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If you are providing documents such as your academic transcript or degree certificate (testamur) to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) they will first need to be signed by an authorised staff member here at the University.
Only the following documents can be authorised:
Other documents must be notarised by an Australian Notary Public.
We are only able to authenticate modern degree certificates (testamurs) that have a University seal and printed signatures. If you have an older version of testamur, you'll need to order a replacement for it to be authenticated.
If you would like your documents authenticated for DFAT, please send the following to our mailing address below.
We highly recommend you send your documents via tracking post. The University of Sydney cannot take responsibility for any documents that are lost during transit.
Student Centre
Level 3, Jane Foss Russell Building G02
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006
You can make an in-person appointment to have your documents authorised at the Student Centre.
Please ensure you bring the following to your appointment:
Australian documents being used overseas sometimes need additional government legalisation to ensure that they meet the requirements of foreign governments. DFAT provides an authentication and apostille service for this purpose.
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