Facilities for parents - The University of Sydney
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Facilities for parents

There are several parent rooms, baby change facilities and feeding rooms available across our campuses.

You can search for parenting facilities on our campus maps.

Parent rooms

Belinda Hutchinson Building (formerly known as Abercrombie Building)

A shared room is located on Level B2, Room B2001 of the Belinda Hutchinson Building (formerly known as Abercrombie Building). This room is a shared facility, combining a sick bay and bed. It is also suitable for expressing/breastfeeding and contains a chair recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, as well as a lounge, privacy screens, a sink, power point and fridge.

If you'd like to access the room, you need to email business.facilities@sydney.edu.au each time you'd like to use it. Alternatively, you can organise long term or short term access with your student card.

Charles Perkins Centre

A feeding room is located on Level 4, Room 4002 in the Charles Perkins Centre. This room has a frosted glass door for privacy and has a table, chair and power point. This room can only be booked by occupants in the Charles Perkins Centre.

Chau Chak Wing Museum

A parents room is located on Level 1 and is equipped with a feeding chair, spare chair, change table, two sinks and a microwave. The Parenting Room has a 5-star rating in accordance with the Breast Feeding Association Guidelines. Baby change tables are also located on Levels 2 and 3 in the accessible toilets.

Codrington Building

A shared room is located on Level 1, Room 109 of the Codrington Building. This room is a shared facility, combining a sick bay and bed. It is also suitable for expressing/breastfeeding and contains a chair, sink, power point and table. The room is private and accessible with a swipe card. To organise access contact the Precinct Officer on +61 2 9036 9051.

Education Building

A shared room is located on Level 4, Room 454 of the Education Building. This is a first aid room. It is private and lockable, has a bed, power point, and is suitable for expressing/breastfeeding as it contains a chair recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Toilets and microwave ovens are available in close proximity.

Fisher Library

A parent room is located on Level 3 (main entry level) of Fisher Library. After entering the library, proceed to the front desk where the security attendant will give you access and directions to the parent room.

The parent room includes zip hot water, chilled water, a microwave, a fridge, a fold-down change table and a nappy disposal unit. There are two separate areas, each with a small table, chairs and curtain that can be drawn for privacy while breastfeeding.

Holme Building

A baby change table can be found in the disability access toilet in the Holme Building. These facilities can be accessed from the Holme Building courtyard and are maintained by the University of Sydney Union.

Jane Foss Russell Building

A baby change table is available in the disability access toilets on Levels 4, 5 and 6 of the Jane Foss Russell Building.

Manning House

The Women’s Room is located on Level 1, Manning House. This room may be used by mothers and has a change table.

Mechanical Engineering Building (J07)

A wellbeing/feeding room is located on Level 2, Room S236 of the Mechanical Engineering Building J07, within the women's toilet that is directly opposite the lift. The room is equipped with a nursing chair, lounge and a change table. This room is open to staff, students and visitors.

Pharmacy Building

A baby change table has been installed in the disability access toilet in the Pharmacy Building.

Physics Building

A parenting/first aid room is available in the Physics Building, Room 104, directly opposite the lift and toilets. The room is equipped with a nursing chair, lounge, change table, a refrigerator for milk/baby food and a microwave. The room is open to all – staff, students and visitors. A change table has also been installed in the Physics Building, Unisex Accessible Toilet, Room 215A.

School of Chemistry

A parents room is available to honours students and HDR students studying in the School of Chemistry. It is located on Level 2, Room 203 of the Chemistry Building.

The room is suitable for expressing/breastfeeding. It contains a wall mounted nappy changing station, microwave, fridge, feeding chair with support pillow, bottle warmer, all-gender bathroom facilities, first aid kit and bed with side rail.

To organise access, contact the Faculty of Sciences’, Facilities and Resources Officer on 8627 6811.

Services Building (G12)

A shared room is located on Level 2, Room T200 B (enter through the ladies toilet, opposite Procurement) at the south end of the Services Building. This room is a sick bay with a bed and is also suitable for expressing/breastfeeding as the room contains a chair recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association. The room is private and lockable, with a table and a power point.

Social Sciences Building

A parenting room is located on Level 2 in the Social Sciences Building. It is private and lockable, has a baby change table, power point, microwave, hot/cold tap water, air conditioning and it is suitable for expressing/breastfeeding as it contains a chair for breastfeeding. Toilets are available in close proximity.

Wentworth Building

A parent room is located on Level 3, Room 3.31 of the Wentworth Building. The room is private, lockable and contains a chair recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, a fridge, a power point, space for nappy changing, sink with hot/cold water, a sanitary bin for dirty nappies, hand sanitiser and soap. Toilets and microwave ovens are available in close proximity.

Mallett Street Campus

A shared room is located on Level 1, room C1.11A in building M02C at 88 Mallett St. This room is a student study room, which is private and lockable and is also suitable for expressing/breastfeeding as the room contains a chair recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, baby change table and power point. Toilets are available in close proximity.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music

If you are a student and require a space to express/breastfeed at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, please contact the Facilities Support Officer at the Reception Desk (or call +61 2 9351 1300) who will help you to locate a suitable space. There is a baby change facility in the disabled access toilet on Level 3.

Cumberland Campus

A parent room is located on the ground floor of U block (Student Guild Building) at the Cumberland Campus. Keys may be obtained from the counter at the Dragonfly Cafe, located on the first floor of U block.

The room contains two chairs recommended by the Nursing Mothers’ Association, a baby change station, refrigerator, light dimmer, a sanitary bin for dirty nappies, a general waste bin and hand wash. Toilets and microwave ovens are available in adjacent rooms.

School of Geosciences

A parents room is available to staff, honours students and HDR students working or studying in the School of Geosciences. It is located on Level 4, Room 425 of the Madsen Building.

The room is suitable for expressing/breastfeeding. It contains a wall mounted nappy changing station, microwave, fridge and feeding chair with support pillow. There is also an all-gender bathroom facility on level 3, which has a wall mounted nappy changing station.

To organise access, please contact geosciences.enquires@sydney.edu.au.


The University recognises and endeavours to support parents’ choices in regard to breastfeeding.

Diversity and Inclusion (diversity.inclusion@sydney.edu.au) can help you identify suitable areas where you can breastfeed and/or express and store breast milk.

Last updated: 03 February 2025

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