What you'll need to enrol - The University of Sydney
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What you'll need to enrol

Enrolment and handbook webinars 

Join our series of webinars that cover how to enrol and understanding your handbook. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions. These one hour sessions run in December 2024 and January 2025. Register online now.

Use this checklist to get prepared before starting the enrolment task.

Your UniKey and password

You’ll need this to log in to the enrolment task. As long as you’ve accepted your offer, we’ll send these details to you in an email once enrolment has opened for you.


Your Unique Student Identifier (USI)

You’ll need a USI to study at University in Australia. This is an individual education identifier issued by the Australian Government, and is in the format of a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters. You can check if you have an existing USI or will need to apply for one on the Australian Government website.

You will need to provide identification to create a USI. The process is free and should take less than five minutes to complete. Once you have obtained your USI, you will need to enter this in Sydney Student during the enrolment task.

If you're an Australian permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen, or an international student and have not yet arrived in Australia, you can complete enrolment without providing a USI. Find out more about this process


Your contact details

The first part of enrolment involves providing your personal details, so make sure you have these ready. You’ll need to include full details of someone we can contact in an emergency.

If you’re a student visa holder and don’t yet have your Australian residential address, you can still enrol. However, you'll need to provide us with your new residential address within seven days of arriving in Australia or changing your address in Australia. Find out how to update your address.


Australian Tax File Number (domestic students only)

If you’re an eligible student, you’ll fill out your HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or SA-HELP form during enrolment so you’ll need to have your Tax File Number (TFN).


Your study choices

Depending on your course, you may need to choose your program, major(s), minor, or specialisation as part of your enrolment. You may also need to select units of study. (This doesn't apply to cross-institutional, non-award, or study abroad/exchange students.)

Make sure you read your handbook to understand your course rules and decide on your units of study (if applicable).

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Find out more about how we can help

Last updated: 12 December 2024

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