This unit of study should prepare students to be able to undertake aerodynamic performance calculations for industry design situations. The unit aims to develop a knowledge and appreciation of the complex behaviour of airflow in the case of two dimensional aerofoil sections and three dimensional wings; To encourage hands-on experimentation with wind-tunnel tests to allow an understanding of these concepts and their range of applicability. To understand the limitations of linearised theory and the effects of unsteady flow. At the end of this unit students will be able to: predict flow properties for general aircraft wing sections to obtain lift, drag and pitching moment; extrapolate section results to predict full three dimensional wing behaviour; undertake experiments and analyse data to verify theoretical predictions; construct simple computer algorithms that will allow more complex geometries to be solved; understand the limitations of theory and the effect of second order parameters (Reynolds number, Mach Number) to the primary flow properties. Course content will include: construction and designation of two dimensional aerofoil sections; point vortex model of aerofoil; Joukowski transformation theory; thin aerofoil theory; linear lift properties for sections; limiting effects such as stall; calcualtion of pitching moment coefficient; methods for estimation of boundary flow and friction drag calculations; viscous-inviscid panel method numerical solutions; modelling of three dimension wing flows; lifting line theory and vortex lattice method; effects of downwash, aspect ratio, sweep angle and asymmetry.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic |
Credit points | 6 |
None |
None |
AERO9260 |
Assumed knowledge
Mathematics and Physics to the level of Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus, Partial Differential Equations (Intro). |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | No |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Michael Groom, |
Lecturer(s) | Michael Groom, |
Tutor(s) | Daniel Linton, |
Jack Geoghegan, |