This unit will present the gross anatomy, functional histology, physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems. Specific diseases of these systems that are commonly encountered in health care practice will be described. The unit will also cover the characteristics of the body's fluids and the concept of acid-base balance within the body. Specific diseases of these systems that are commonly encountered in health care practice will be described. This unit includes laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied. Attendance at practical classes is compulsory. Students who achieve a pass will have a basic working knowledge of professionally relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology. Students who achieve higher grades will be better able to integrate various aspects of the unit, and to apply their knowledge to solve problems or explain higher level phenomena.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Department of Medical Sciences |
Credit points | 6 |
None |
None |
BMED2403 or PHSI2005 or PHSI2006 or BIOS2170 or PHSI2007 or PHSI2008 |
Assumed knowledge
None |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | Yes |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Jaimie Polson, |
Lecturer(s) | Peter Knight, |
Jaimie Polson, | |
Elizabeth Hegedus, |