Property law and commercial law are two key sources of rights and obligations in modern western law. This unit provides an introduction to both areas of law, and shows how they are inter-related. The unit is designed to offer an opportunity to consider the role they play in Australian society and to give a firm grounding in legal principle. The unit focuses on notions of "property", providing an introduction to real property (including the doctrine of tenure and estates, native title and the doctrine of fixtures) and to personal property (including ownership and possessory interests arising in the context of commercial transactions such as sales and bailments as well as security interests under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)). The unit analyses the nature and classification of legal and equitable interests in both real and personal property, exploring the principles and formalities governing their creation, assignment and priority-ranking. Additionally, the unit enables the development of skills in interpreting statutes and in problem-solving.Property law and commercial law are two key sources of rights and obligations in modern western law. This unit provides an introduction to both areas of law, and shows how they are inter-related. The unit is designed to offer an opportunity to consider the role they play in Australian society and to give a firm grounding in legal principle. The unit focuses on notions of "property", providing an introduction to real property (including the doctrine of tenure and estates, native title and the doctrine of fixtures) and to personal property (including ownership and possessory interests arising in the context of commercial transactions such as sales and bailments as well as security interests under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)). The unit analyses the nature and classification of legal and equitable interests in both real and personal property, exploring the principles and formalities governing their creation, assignment and priority-ranking. Additionally, the unit enables the development of skills in interpreting statutes and in problem-solving.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Law |
Credit points | 6 |
LAWS5000 |
None |
LAWS2012 |
Assumed knowledge
None |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | Yes |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Sheelagh McCracken, |
Lecturer(s) | Jamie Glister, |
Sheelagh McCracken, | |
Matthew Conaglen, | |
Madeline Taylor, | |
Tutor(s) | Adam Waldman, |
Charles Alexander, | |
Celeste Black, |