This unit of study consolidates and extends skills acquired in Honours: Research in Music Education 1. It broadens students' knowledge of a variety of research methods, concepts and research designs which are useful in answering empirical research questions. Evolving skills will be extended through practical tasks in which students examine and apply a range of data analysis procedures. Through ongoing reading and critical evaluation of related research literature, students will prepare a research proposal for implementation in the final year of the Honours program. This will be documented in the form of the first three chapters of a thesis. Ethical issues in music education research are an adjunct area of study and students will submit all documentation required for ethics approval of their proposed research.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Music Education |
Credit points | 6 |
MUED3629 |
None |
None |
Assumed knowledge
None |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | No |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Jeanette Mollenhauer, |
Lecturer(s) | Jennifer Rowley, |
Michael Webb, |