MUED4633: Professional Experience 3
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MUED4633: Professional Experience 3

2025 unit information

This unit of study provides the final professional experience for music education students. The program consists of a 7-8 week teaching block (5 days a week) in a NSW secondary school. Students will be required to teach both junior and senior secondary school music classes (Years 7-12) and undertake the daily responsibilities and activities of a music teacher. It is envisaged that in the final weeks of this unit students will be responsible for a music teacher's full day teaching program. This last practice teaching experience enables the student music teacher to put into practice theoretical and practical content of all previous music education courses completed in their four year degree. It provides experiences, through which student teachers further develop an understanding of the ethical and professional requirements of being a teacher, successfully communicate with their students and fellow teaching colleagues and become independent, self-motivated practicing music teachers.

Unit details and rules

Managing faculty or University school:

Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Study level Undergraduate
Academic unit Music Education
Credit points 12
Assumed knowledge:

At the completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • LO1. successfully teach the NSW secondary music syllabus for 36 days in a secondary school with a greater understanding of the development of literacy in a broader sense
  • LO2. demonstrate practical strategies for developing music lesson plans and programs
  • LO3. recognise, discuss and demonstrate a variety of teaching strategies to develop appropriate teaching and learning experiences for music students
  • LO4. understand relationships between the school, the music teacher and the learner
  • LO5. discuss principles underlying theoretical models of pedagogy; explain, compare and evaluate the practices of theoretical models for effective teaching and learning
  • LO6. demonstrate application of professional and ethical issues relevant to the school environment (including child protection)
  • LO7. apply theories of educational psychology and adolescent development
  • LO8. recognise, discuss and apply instructional strategies to create a positive and reflective learning environment supporting learning for all students
  • LO9. summarise and explain the concept of teaching as reflective practice and apply strategies of reflection to improve classroom practices.

Unit availability

This section lists the session, attendance modes and locations the unit is available in. There is a unit outline for each of the unit availabilities, which gives you information about the unit including assessment details and a schedule of weekly activities.

The outline is published 2 weeks before the first day of teaching. You can look at previous outlines for a guide to the details of a unit.

Session MoA ?  Location Outline ? 
Semester 1 2025
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2025
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Session MoA ?  Location Outline ? 
Semester 1 2020
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 2 2020
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 1 2021
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 2 2021
Normal day Sydney
Semester 1 2022
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 2 2022
Normal day Sydney
Semester 1 2023
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 2 2023
Normal day Sydney
Semester 1 2024
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2024
Normal day Sydney

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Modes of attendance (MoA)

This refers to the Mode of attendance (MoA) for the unit as it appears when you’re selecting your units in Sydney Student. Find more information about modes of attendance on our website.