What exactly is in your paraben-free, organic plant-extract, cleanse and replenish shampoo and conditioner, and what does it do for you? What is a paraben and are they a problem? Why is it better to make shampoo from an 'organic plant-extract' than a non-organic one, or something else entirely? This unit will lift the lid on shampoos, conditioners, cosmetics, and related household products, and uncover the roles played by the different ingredients. You will learn to identify broad structural features of important molecules and gain an appreciation of how their structure relates to their function. You will gain a historical perspective on the discovery and invention of new molecules and relate this to their use in familiar, everyday products. You will explore some molecules that can be problematic, consider their drawbacks, and the development of better alternatives. You will develop skills in communicating your knowledge of these molecules, their context and properties to others and produce resources suitable for the general public. By doing this unit, you will become a more informed consumer, better able to interpret the branding and creative marketing used to promote chemical products that you use every day and you will be able to communicate what you've learnt to your friends, family and community.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Chemistry Academic Operations |
Credit points | 2 |
None |
None |
None |
Assumed knowledge
This is an introductory level unit, no prior knowledge is required |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | Yes |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Cassandra Lee Fleming, cassandralee.fleming@sydney.edu.au |
Lecturer(s) | Peter Rutledge, peter.rutledge@sydney.edu.au |
Cassandra Lee Fleming, cassandralee.fleming@sydney.edu.au |