SDDM5115: Semester 1, 2023
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SDDM5115: Introduction to Dentistry

Semester 1, 2023 [Normal day] - Camperdown/Darlington, Sydney

In this unit, students will participate in various learning activities to introduce dentistry in the context of healthcare and society. Concepts such as the social contract and patient centred care are introduced to facilitate student examination of the professional environment of oral health care. Sudents explore career pathways, and begin to develop skills with data, formulating research questions and searching for relevant evidence. This unit contains a program of learning in head and neck anatomy, tooth morphology and introductory concepts in basic science to establish the biomedical basis of dentistry. Students commence development of skills in tooth restoration and prosthetic construction in simulation and laboratory settings. Experience in clinical settings fosters engagement with the scope of practice and professional competencies of a dentist.

Unit details and rules

Academic unit Discipline of Restorative and Reconstructive Dentistry
Credit points 24
Assumed knowledge

Biological science

Available to study abroad and exchange students


Teaching staff

Coordinator Maria Tran,
Type Description Weight Due Length
Supervised exam
Oral and systemic bioscience & nutrition knowledge assessment
knowledge assessment: Passing mark 85%
0% Formal exam period 2 hours
Outcomes assessed: LO8 LO9 LO10 LO21
Skills-based evaluation Semester one reflection portfolio
skills checklist, reflection on progress towards program outcomes
0% Formal exam period
Due date: 09 Jun 2023 at 23:00
not restricted
Outcomes assessed: LO1 LO17 LO5 LO4 LO3
Assignment Integrated Assignment - written report
Written report of an inquiry topic.
0% Formal exam period
Due date: 05 Jun 2023 at 23:00
800 -1000 words
Outcomes assessed: LO8 LO9 LO10 LO11 LO12 LO13
Tutorial quiz EBP continuous assessment
Canvas Quiz
0% Multiple weeks N/A
Outcomes assessed: LO11 LO13 LO12
Online task EBP Discussion board participation
Participation in discussion board
0% Multiple weeks N/A
Outcomes assessed: LO11 LO13 LO12
Participation Prosthdontics lab
Participate in the prosthdontics lab sessions, complete tasks as required
0% Multiple weeks N/A
Outcomes assessed: LO20
Skills-based evaluation IPL Introductory Workshop
Participation in FMH interprofessional learning introductory workshop
0% Multiple weeks 2 hours
Outcomes assessed: LO15
Participation EBP Workshop participation
Participation in the EBP workshops
0% Ongoing N/A
Outcomes assessed: LO11 LO13 LO12
Assignment Career goals reflection
Following the careers seminar, reflect on your career goals
0% Week 01
Due date: 24 Feb 2023 at 23:00
concept map/mind map
Outcomes assessed: LO2
Assignment Narrative dentistry assignment
Creative writing assignment on patient experiences of oral health
0% Week 05
Due date: 20 Mar 2023 at 23:00
minimum equivalent to 400 words
Outcomes assessed: LO1 LO7 LO6 LO4 LO3
Presentation group assignment Nutrition oral presentation
Groups will present on a foundational concept in food and nutrition
0% Week 06 6 minutes
Outcomes assessed: LO21
Online task Completion of NCCC Cultural competence modules
Completion of the five modules
0% Week 07
Due date: 06 Apr 2023 at 23:00
approximately 1 hour to complete each
Outcomes assessed: LO18
Presentation Integrated assignment - oral presentation
Oral presentation on enquiry topic
0% Week 12 5 minute presentation
Outcomes assessed: LO8 LO13 LO12 LO11 LO10 LO9
Skills-based evaluation Tooth conservation practical progress
Tooth conservation practical progress
0% Week 13
Due date: 26 May 2023 at 23:00
over semester
Outcomes assessed: LO19
Participation Participation in weekly skills studios
Demonstrate active participation in skills studio activities
0% Weekly across the semester
Outcomes assessed: LO2 LO14 LO12 LO7 LO6
Online task OSB Self-assessment
Required unsupervised online quizzes scheduled for each module.
0% Weekly N.A
Outcomes assessed: LO8 LO10 LO9
Participation OSB Experiential learning sessions
Participation in experiential learning and success in in-classroom tests
0% Weekly N/A
Outcomes assessed: LO8 LO21 LO16 LO14 LO13 LO10 LO9
group assignment = group assignment ?

Assessment summary

Please refer to the OSB handbook 

Assessment criteria

Assessment in the DMD Program involves a longitudinal program of assessment, attendance, professionalism, Learning Advisor meetings and opportunities for remediation and further assessment.

Assessments will be integrated across the 7 vertical themes:

1.            Leadership, communication and professionalisation

2.            Prevention and health promotion

3.            Clinical sciences and clinical skills

4.            Evidence based practice

5.            Social and cultural oral health

6.            Oral and systemic biosciences

7.            Interprofessional teamwork

Progression information:

The expected standard for each assessment must be met. Decisions will be made in reference to the expected standard for each individual assessment and based on a pass of 50% (or as otherwise specified) for knowledge-based assessments and competency levels defined by rubrics for written submissions and skill based clinical assessment.

Progression is determined by the Portfolio Advisory Group at the end of the academic year. The Portfolio Advisory Group will meet at the end of semester one to review student progress and students will meet with a learning advisor once per semester to review their achievements.

All students who meet the expected standard in all assessments will progress, if they have not breached the faculty professionalism requirements. In some cases, students may be required to undergo remediation and further assessment, at a time specified by the school, to meet the expected standards for progression.

If further assessment is offered, one assessment will be offered.

For more information see guide to grades.

Late submission

In accordance with University policy, these penalties apply when written work is submitted after 11:59pm on the due date:

  • Deduction of 5% of the maximum mark for each calendar day after the due date.
  • After ten calendar days late, a mark of zero will be awarded.

Academic integrity

The Current Student website provides information on academic integrity and the resources available to all students. The University expects students and staff to act ethically and honestly and will treat all allegations of academic integrity breaches seriously.

We use similarity detection software to detect potential instances of plagiarism or other forms of academic integrity breach. If such matches indicate evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic integrity breaches, your teacher is required to report your work for further investigation.

Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and automated writing tools

You may only use generative AI and automated writing tools in assessment tasks if you are permitted to by your unit coordinator. If you do use these tools, you must acknowledge this in your work, either in a footnote or an acknowledgement section. The assessment instructions or unit outline will give guidance of the types of tools that are permitted and how the tools should be used.

Your final submitted work must be your own, original work. You must acknowledge any use of generative AI tools that have been used in the assessment, and any material that forms part of your submission must be appropriately referenced. For guidance on how to acknowledge the use of AI, please refer to the AI in Education Canvas site.

The unapproved use of these tools or unacknowledged use will be considered a breach of the Academic Integrity Policy and penalties may apply.

Studiosity is permitted unless otherwise indicated by the unit coordinator. The use of this service must be acknowledged in your submission as detailed on the Learning Hub’s Canvas page.

Outside assessment tasks, generative AI tools may be used to support your learning. The AI in Education Canvas site contains a number of productive ways that students are using AI to improve their learning.

Simple extensions

If you encounter a problem submitting your work on time, you may be able to apply for an extension of five calendar days through a simple extension.  The application process will be different depending on the type of assessment and extensions cannot be granted for some assessment types like exams.

Special consideration

If exceptional circumstances mean you can’t complete an assessment, you need consideration for a longer period of time, or if you have essential commitments which impact your performance in an assessment, you may be eligible for special consideration or special arrangements.

Special consideration applications will not be affected by a simple extension application.

Using AI responsibly

Co-created with students, AI in Education includes lots of helpful examples of how students use generative AI tools to support their learning. It explains how generative AI works, the different tools available and how to use them responsibly and productively.

WK Topic Learning activity Learning outcomes
Multiple weeks Dental assisting in clinical placement. The hours for S1 to be confirmed. Placement (6 hr) LO16 LO17
Week -01 Tooth cons seminar 2: Tooth isolation (Rubber Dam). Prof Vesna Miletic Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 2: Rubber dam, Class V GI cavity prep. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 3. Careers in dentistry. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO2
Evidence Based Practice 2: Workshop: How is knowledge generated? Shanika Nanayakkara Workshop (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 2: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 2: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 2: Skull Dry lab/prosection . OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Introduction to ethics and professionalism. The social contract. Prof Alex Holden Seminar (1 hr) LO4 LO5
The National Law: A guided tour. Prof Alex Holden Seminar (1 hr) LO3 LO4 LO5
Foundations of bioethics. Prof Alex Holden Seminar (1 hr) LO5
Tooth morphology objective-based learning session 1 Practical (2 hr) LO5 LO6 LO8
Week -02 Tooth cons Seminar 1: Introduction, instruments & equipment, positioning. Prof Vesna Miletic Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 1: Infection control, dental unit (SIM pod), instruments, posture. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 2. Research article review #1. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO10 LO11
Evidence Based Practice 1: Lecture: Introduction - learning outcomes, assessments, program overview. Shanika Nanayakkara Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 1: Morphology of permanent incisors and canines (dry lab tutorial) Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 1:Introduction to Histology, enamel and dentine (dry lab tutorial) OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 1:Histopathology of enamel and dentine defects (dry lab tutorial) OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 1: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry - Introduction to food and nutrition and dentistry. Dr Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO21
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 1. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Week -03 Skills studio 1. Who am I and why am I here? Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO1 LO2
Introduction to Oral and Systemic Bioscience, expectations and assessments. Dr Jinlong Gao Seminar (1 hr) LO8 LO9
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 1: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 1: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Careers in dentistry seminar. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter Seminar (2 hr) LO2
Local health district orientation. Seminar (8 hr) LO16 LO17
SDS orientation Seminar (4 hr) LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 LO11 LO12 LO13 LO14 LO15 LO16 LO17 LO18 LO19 LO20 LO21
DMD course outline and graduate competencies Seminar (1 hr) LO1 LO2
Week 01 Pros Lab 1: Primary Impressions for Complete Dentures (Edentulous Patient) and Pour-up of Primary Impression. Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Pros lecture 1: Introduction to prosthodontics and tooth loss. A/Prof Ayman Ellakwa Lecture (1 hr) LO20
Tooth cons seminar 3: Cavity design: Principles and Class V. Prof Vesna Miletic Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 3: Class V GI cavity prep. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 4. Narrative dentistry #1. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO6 LO7
Evidence Based Practice 3: Workshop: Introduction to research articles and quality evaluation of research (critical appraisal). Shanika Nanayakkara Workshop (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 2: Introduction to anatomy. Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 2: Cervical spine and suboccipital triangle. Dry lab/prosection . OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 2: Morphology of premolars. Dry lab. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 2: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 2. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Definitions of health. Prof Woosung Sohn Lecture (1 hr) LO1 LO3 LO7
Week 02 Pros lecture 2: Constructing removable dentures: Introduction to clinical and laboratory stages. A/Prof Ayman Ellakwa Lecture (1 hr) LO20
Tooth cons seminar 4: Cavity Design: Class I. Prof Vesna Miletic Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 4: Class V composite resin cavity prep. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 5. Principles of teaching and feedback. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO14
Evidence Based Practice 4: Lecture: Evidence Based Practice. Shanika Nanayakkara Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 3: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Acquisition of oral flora and dental plaque collection (lab/workshop). OSB team Science laboratory (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Oral bacteria characterisation, metabolism, and fermentable carbohydrates (lab/workshop). OSB team Science laboratory (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Determinants of Oral Health. Prof Woosung Sohn Lecture (1 hr) LO1 LO3 LO7
Week 03 Pros Lab 2: Construct Two Edentulous Special Trays (muco-compressive) Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Pros lecture 3: Gypsum and wax. A/Prof Ayman Ellakwa Online class (1 hr) LO20
Cariology seminar 1: Introduction to cariology - what is dental caries? Dr Rahena Akhter Seminar (1 hr) LO10
Cariology seminar 2: Caries causation: the plaque, saliva, diet and fluoride factor. Dr Rahena Akhter Seminar (1 hr) LO10
Tooth cons practical 5: Class I composite resin cavity prep - direct vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 6. Research article review #2. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO10 LO11
Evidence Based Practice 5: Workshop: EBP and clinical questions. Shanika Nanayakkara Workshop (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Histopathology of dental caries Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Morphology of permanent molars. Dry lab. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 3: Taste and smell. Workshop. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 3: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 3. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Vulnerable populations. Prof Woosung Sohn Lecture (1 hr) LO1 LO3 LO7
Week 04 Pros lecture 4: Impression materials. A/Prof Ayman Ellakwa Online class (1 hr) LO20
Tooth cons practical 6: Class I composite resin cavity prep - indirect vision - premolar. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 7. Teaching a topic. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO14
Evidence Based Practice 6: Lecture: Quantitative research methods 1. Shanika Nanayakkara Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Introductory Interprofessional Learning workshop - faculty wide. Dr Phillip Burke Workshop (2 hr) LO15
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 4: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 4: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 4: Morphology of primary teeth. Dry lab. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8
Indigenous oral health. Prof Woosung Sohn Lecture (1 hr) LO1 LO3 LO7 LO18
Week 05 Pros Lab 3: Construct Maxillary Occlusal Rim for Complete Denture. Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Pros lecture 5: Q and A revision session. A/Prof Ayman Ellakwa Lecture (1 hr) LO20
Tooth cons seminar 5: Cavity design: Class II. Prof Vesna Miletic Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 7: Class I composite resin cavity prep - indirect vision - molar. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 8. Narrative dentistry #2. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO6 LO7
Evidence Based Practice 7: Lecture: Quantitative research methods 2. Shanika Nanayakkara Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 4: Dentinal hypersensitivity and desensitising. Workshop Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 4: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 4. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
NCCC cultural competence modules. (complete five online modules) Individual study (5 hr) LO18
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Inflammation. Dry lab. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Pain transduction and pain pathway. Dry lab/Prosection Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9
Week 06 Tooth cons practical 8: Class II composite resin cavity prep - direct vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 9. Nutrition presentations Dr Nikki Barrett, Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (2 hr) LO21
Evidence Based Practice 8: Workshop: Qualitative research 1 Delyse Leadbeatter Workshop (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 5: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Histopathology of pulpal and periapical lesions. Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Week 07 Pros Lab 4: Construct Mandibular Occlusal Rim for Complete Denture. Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Tooth cons practical 9: Class II composite resin cavity prep - indirect vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 10. Research article review #3. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO10 LO11
Evidence Based Practice 9: Workshop: Qualitative research 2. Delyse Leadbeatter Workshop (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Analgesic selection. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 5: Root morphology. Dry lab. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 5: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 5. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Week 08 Tooth cons seminar 6: Cavity design Class III and Class IV Seminar (1 hr) LO19
Tooth cons practical 10: Class II amalgam cavity prep - direct vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 11. Academic writing. Dr Edward Waters (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO13
Evidence Based Practice 10: Lecture: Data life cycle. Prof Melissa Baysari Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 6: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 6: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 6: Histology of gingiva and periodontal tissue. Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Week 09 Pros Lab 5: Maxillomandibular Relation (MMR) for Complete Dentures. Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Tooth cons practical 11: Class II amalgam cavity prep - indirect vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 12. Cultural competence debrief. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO7 LO18
Evidence Based Practice 11: Lecture: Critical appraisal 1 (quantitative research). Shanika Nanayakkara Lecture (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 6: Osseointegration. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 6: Antibiotic resistance. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 6: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 6. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Week 10 Tooth cons practical 12: Class II MOD amalgam cavity prep - direct vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 13. Teaching a skill. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO14
Evidence Based Practice 12: Workshop: Critical appraisal 2 - quantitative research - Shanika Nanayakkara Workshop (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 7: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: Oral mucosal immunology. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: Histology of oral mucosa and ulceration lesion. Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Tooth morphology objective-based learning session 2 Practical (2 hr) LO6 LO8
Week 11 Pros Lab 6: Setting Teeth for Complete Denture. Mr Robert Underdown Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO20
Perio Lecture 1: Periodontitis? Never heard about it! (Introduction to the Discipline of Periodontics). Prof Axel Spahr Lecture (1 hr) LO10
Perio lecture 2: Healthy periodontal tissues (Anatomy and histology). Prof Axel Spahr Tutorial (1 hr) LO10
Tooth cons practical 13: Class II MOD composite resin cavity prep - direct vision. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 14. Research article review #4. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO10 LO11
Evidence Based Practice 13: Lecture: Critical appraisal 3 (qualitative research). Delyse Leadbeatter Lecture (1 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: Histopathology of mucosal infection. Dry lab. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: History taking role play. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 7: Identify and describe lesions (dermatology context). Workshop. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 7: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Independent study (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 7. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21
Week 12 Tooth cons practical 14: prepare for formative assessment. Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 15. Integrated curriculum assignment presentations. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter, Dr Jinlong Gao (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (2.5 hr) LO9 LO10
Evidence Based Practice 14: Workshop: Critical appraisal 4 (qualitative research). Delyse Leadbeatter Workshop (2 hr) LO11 LO12 LO13
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 8: Pre-experiential learning series of mini video lectures. OSB team Independent study (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 8: Self-directed learning and self- assessment. OSB team Independent study (4 hr) LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 8: Sterilisation and workflow. Workshop. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO9 LO16
Week 13 Tooth cons practical 15: Formative pre-clinical tooth conservation practical assessment (FCCA). Dr Maria Tran Simulation laboratory (3 hr) LO19
Skills studio 16. Narrative dentistry #3. Dr Delyse Leadbeatter (Group 1, 2, 3) Tutorial (1.5 hr) LO6 LO7
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 8: Antimicrobials. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO8 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience module 8: Sexually transmitted diseases and oral health. Workshop. OSB team Tutorial (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10
Oral and Systemic Bioscience Module 8: Self-directed learning and reflection. Dr Jinlong Gao Tutorial (2 hr) LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 LO16
Preventive dentistry: Nutrition aspects of Module 8. Nikki Barrett Seminar (1 hr) LO10 LO21

Attendance and class requirements

Attendance and class requirements

Attendance: Attendance is a professional responsibility required of all students admitted to academic programs within the Sydney Dental School. All programs in the Sydney Dental School have a 90% attendance policy, for all compulsory components of Units of Study, as detailed in the Faculty of Dentistry Attendance Provisions 2020. This includes all tutorials, seminars, workshops as well as clinical and practical sessions. The course requirements cannot be satisfied if more than 10% of any section of a course is missed for any reason.

Professionalism: Students in all Sydney Dental School programs are subject to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Professionalism Requirements 2022 and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Professionalism Provisions 2019. Professionalism is an essential component of developing competency to practice. It is important for students to demonstrate professional behaviour in all contexts and environments. In accordance with these local provisions: candidates who demonstrate serious or repeated unprofessional behaviour may be required to show cause as to why their enrolment should be continued. Failure to show cause may result in exclusion from the course.


Study commitment

Typically, there is a minimum expectation of 1.5-2 hours of student effort per week per credit point for units of study offered over a full semester. For a 24 credit point unit, this equates to roughly 480-600 hours of student effort in total.

Learning outcomes are what students know, understand and are able to do on completion of a unit of study. They are aligned with the University's graduate qualities and are assessed as part of the curriculum.

At the completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • LO1. Demonstrate application of the principle of health as a fundamental human right to oral health and describe the FDI definition of oral health. Define health, disability, illness
  • LO2. Examine careers in dentistry and personal journeys into a healthcare career
  • LO3. Engage in reflection on key issues in oral healthcare provision, including access to services; disparities in healthcare infrastructure; and, the oral healthcare workforce.
  • LO4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how the concept of the social contract as a framework for professionalism in dentistry applies to the practice of students and qualified practitioners
  • LO5. Examine key issues in ethical practice, such as management of conflict of interest, commercialism and self-regulation.
  • LO6. Engage in narrative techniques to explore the meaning of patient-centred care as it relates to clinical practice and patient safety
  • LO7. Critically explain the impact of oral health problems on individuals and their families
  • LO8. Describe the structure and function of the oral and maxillofacial regions and explain the clinical significance of normal and anatomical variation
  • LO9. Communicate biomedical concepts and scientific principles relevant to real-life scenarios
  • LO10. Describe oral conditions such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss and from several perspectives: socio-cultural, microbiological, pathological, epidemiologic
  • LO11. Understand quantitative and qualitative research methods used to generate scientific research
  • LO12. Evaluate and apply the 5-step EBP process to answer a clinical question
  • LO13. Critically evaluate a peer-reviewed publication to answer a clinical question
  • LO14. Describe fundamental principles of learning and teaching and demonstrate teaching a topic and a skill, and engaging in feedback conversations with peers
  • LO15. Demonstrate effective inter-professional behaviours in collaboration and communication with peers and colleagues and in providing and receiving constructive feedback
  • LO16. Describe the principles of infection prevention and infection control and demonstrate its application in clinical and simulated clinical settings
  • LO17. Assist with provision of dental care for patients in various clinical settings
  • LO18. Acquire and acknowledge the cultures, experiences, strengths and health needs of indigenous individuals and communities to provide health care in a holistic manner
  • LO19. Demonstrate competent technical and decision-making skills in cavity design and restoration placement using direct restorative materials in simple cavities
  • LO20. Complete the prescribed technical steps involved in constructing a complete maxillary acrylic dental prosthesis and a partial mandibular acrylic dental prosthesis case, and describe the steps involved in construction of acrylic and cobalt chrome prostheses
  • LO21. Have a holistic understanding of the biological and sociocultural basis of nutrition

Graduate qualities

The graduate qualities are the qualities and skills that all University of Sydney graduates must demonstrate on successful completion of an award course. As a future Sydney graduate, the set of qualities have been designed to equip you for the contemporary world.

GQ1 Depth of disciplinary expertise

Deep disciplinary expertise is the ability to integrate and rigorously apply knowledge, understanding and skills of a recognised discipline defined by scholarly activity, as well as familiarity with evolving practice of the discipline.

GQ2 Critical thinking and problem solving

Critical thinking and problem solving are the questioning of ideas, evidence and assumptions in order to propose and evaluate hypotheses or alternative arguments before formulating a conclusion or a solution to an identified problem.

GQ3 Oral and written communication

Effective communication, in both oral and written form, is the clear exchange of meaning in a manner that is appropriate to audience and context.

GQ4 Information and digital literacy

Information and digital literacy is the ability to locate, interpret, evaluate, manage, adapt, integrate, create and convey information using appropriate resources, tools and strategies.

GQ5 Inventiveness

Generating novel ideas and solutions.

GQ6 Cultural competence

Cultural Competence is the ability to actively, ethically, respectfully, and successfully engage across and between cultures. In the Australian context, this includes and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge systems, and a mature understanding of contemporary issues.

GQ7 Interdisciplinary effectiveness

Interdisciplinary effectiveness is the integration and synthesis of multiple viewpoints and practices, working effectively across disciplinary boundaries.

GQ8 Integrated professional, ethical, and personal identity

An integrated professional, ethical and personal identity is understanding the interaction between one’s personal and professional selves in an ethical context.

GQ9 Influence

Engaging others in a process, idea or vision.

Outcome map

Learning outcomes Graduate qualities

This section outlines changes made to this unit following staff and student reviews.

This is the first time this unit has been offered

include assessment and progression information


The University reserves the right to amend units of study or no longer offer certain units, including where there are low enrolment numbers.

This unit of study outline was last modified on 10 Feb 2023.

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