Political Economy

Political Economy

The evolution of political and economic ideas

Political Economy

The evolution of political and economic ideas

We investigate broad economic questions within social and political contexts through a variety of perspectives and methodologies.

Our discipline is home to the largest group of political economists at any Australian university. We analyse and investigate:

  • issues of power and inequality 
  • the forces of globalisation and their impact on national policy settings
  • the concentration of economic activity, wealth and opportunities
  • the trade-offs between the free market perspective and broader social concerns
  • economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Our study offering

Our research

We provide critical analysis of contemporary problems and policies and construct alternatives to prevailing orthodoxies. 

Our discipline conducts internationally recognised political economic analysis and research across the broad areas of globalisation, development, the environment, energy, labour, gender, race, history of economic thought, neoliberalism, public policy, human rights, markets and finance.

Our academics work in a variety of disciplinary areas, researching post-Keynesian, Marxian, feminist and institutionalist economics, economic history and the history of economic thought, economic sociology and geography, international political economy, development and labour studies.

Political Economy

Find out more about the major

Master of Political Economy

Find out more about the degree

  • Dr Gareth Bryant

    Discipline Chair

Useful links

Our people

Contact us

School of Social and Political Sciences

Level 3, Social Sciences Building A02,
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: +61 2 9351 2650

Email: ssps.enquiries@sydney.edu.au