Professor David Evans
Designation Coordinator, Special and Inclusive Education
Dr Evans is Professor of Special Education in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. He is the convenor of the special and inclusive education designation in the School; the School delivers courses to more than 600 pre-service and postgraduate students each year. His research interests include design of curriculum to meet the needs of students with special education needs, and evidence-based practices in special education.
Learning sciences; psychology of education
- Learning, cognition and motivation
Research on teaching and learning
- Special and inclusive education
- Teacher education and professional learning
Keywords: special education, inclusive education, universal design, literacy, numeracy
- Early numeracy: examining the development of early numeracy and how students experiencing difficulties learning engage with early numeracy (e.g. number sense), and the quality of instruction required to assist these students acquire early numeracy skills, knowledge and understanding
- Teacher education: Examination of how pre-service and in-service teachers construct knowledge, skills and values in the area of special and inclusive education
- Teacher attitudes to inclusion - International perspectives: Examination of attitudes of students, teachers and parents towards education of students with a disability in the mainstream classroom. Comparative data has been collected across years, and countries (e.g., China, Czech Republic, Singapore)
- Literacy support: Examination of a range of variables (e.g. teacher attitudes, professional knowledge) relating to the development of literacy sills for students experiencing difficulties learning (e.g. learning support, handwriting)
- Off to a Good Start: Enhancing Early Reading Skills for All Thai Children Project (Australia-Thailand Institute).
Associate Editor, Australasian Journal of Special Education
Member of editorial committee, Special Education Perspectives
Project title | Research student |
Secondary school teacher intentions to implement Universal Design for Learning and their actual teaching behaviour in China: An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour | Hongyu CHEN |
Disability, Equality and Inclusive Education | Charlotte CHILVERS |
Examining Approaches to the Kindergarten Literacy Block | Corrina GODDARD |
Selected publications
- Spandagou, I., Little, C., Evans, D., Bonati, M. (2020). Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings. TBC. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Evans, D., binti Salleh, R., Basit, A., Little, C. (2023). Flexible, relevant, and accessible curriculum: The role of the universal design for learning framework in three countries. In K. Koreeda, M. Tsuge, S. Ikuta, E. M. Dalton, L. P. Ewe (Eds.), Building inclusive education in K-12 classrooms and higher education: Theories and principles, (pp. 131-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [More Information]
- Azizah, N., Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2022). Conceptualising inclusion within Indonesian contexts. In M. J. Schuelka & S. Carrington (Eds.), Global directions in Inclusive Education: Conceptualizations, Practices, and Methodologies for the 21st Century, (pp. 81-98). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Evans, D., Andriana, E., Setiani, P., Kumara, A. (2018). Universal Design for Learning to support learning in Gunung Kidul. In M. Best, T. Corcoran, R. Slee (Eds.), Who's in? Who's out?: What to do about inclusive education, (pp. 71-87). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Fajrie, N., Purbasari, I., Bamiro, N., Evans, D. (2024). Does Art Education Matter in Inclusiveness for Learners with Disabilities? A Systematic Review. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(6), 96-124. [More Information]
- Metcalfe, L., Little, C., Clancey, G., Evans, D. (2024). The Changing Nature of Education in Youth Justice Centres in New South Wales (Australia). Journal of Prison Education Research, 8(1, article 5), 1-22. [More Information]
- Lo, N., Spandagou, I., Evans, D. (2024). University pathway teachers’ salient beliefs of inclusive education: an elicitation study of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Higher Education Research and Development, , 1-16. [More Information]
- Evans, D., Andriana, E. (2019). Application of UDL principles to promote access to education for all students. 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Magamba: International Association of Special Education. [More Information]
- Little, C., Evans, D. (2019). Using peer mediated Lego play to promote social communication in young students with Autism. 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Magamba: International Association of Special Education. [More Information]
- Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2015). Hearing voices: An art-based participatory study on children’s experiences of inclusion at a primary school in Indonesia. 1st International Conference on Special Education (ICSE), Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO SEN.
- Clancey, G., Evans, D., Little, C. (2021). Review of the extended school year model and literature review: Final report prepared for the NSW Department of Education. Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.
Research Reports
- Villeneuve, M., Evans, D., Sadirin, S., Andriana, E., Bonati, M., Little, C., Millington, M. (2016). Collaborative action across health and education sectors for inclusion of children with disabilities in education: Establishing a policy vision and research agenda in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney. [More Information]
- Rawsthorne, M., Evans, D., Young, A., Andriana, E. (2015). Learning support in NSW public schools, June 2015, (pp. 5 - 132). Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney.
- Fajrie, N., Purbasari, I., Bamiro, N., Evans, D. (2024). Does Art Education Matter in Inclusiveness for Learners with Disabilities? A Systematic Review. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(6), 96-124. [More Information]
- Metcalfe, L., Little, C., Clancey, G., Evans, D. (2024). The Changing Nature of Education in Youth Justice Centres in New South Wales (Australia). Journal of Prison Education Research, 8(1, article 5), 1-22. [More Information]
- Lo, N., Spandagou, I., Evans, D. (2024). University pathway teachers’ salient beliefs of inclusive education: an elicitation study of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Higher Education Research and Development, , 1-16. [More Information]
- Sohaeir, U., Azman, M., Hosshan, H., Othman, M., Evans, D. (2023). Development of Easy Match as a Teaching Aid for Students of the Integration Special Education Program (Learning Problems) in Form One Basic Cooking Subjects at SMK Telok Gadong, Klang. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 31(2), 310-319. [More Information]
- Evans, D., binti Salleh, R., Basit, A., Little, C. (2023). Flexible, relevant, and accessible curriculum: The role of the universal design for learning framework in three countries. In K. Koreeda, M. Tsuge, S. Ikuta, E. M. Dalton, L. P. Ewe (Eds.), Building inclusive education in K-12 classrooms and higher education: Theories and principles, (pp. 131-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [More Information]
- Azizah, N., Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2022). Conceptualising inclusion within Indonesian contexts. In M. J. Schuelka & S. Carrington (Eds.), Global directions in Inclusive Education: Conceptualizations, Practices, and Methodologies for the 21st Century, (pp. 81-98). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Andriana, E., Kiling, I., Evans, D. (2022). Inclusive education for indigenous students in the Indonesian context. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Online only. [More Information]
- Griffin, L., Evans, D. (2021). Developing a case for special provisions during examinations. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 45(1), 90-95. [More Information]
- Eslamian, Z., Rezvani, M., Karami, M., Evans, D. (2021). Implementing the curriculum based on individual differences in the course of "Religion and Life" in the Iranian education system; Challenges and solutions. Biquarterly journal of Islamic education [Tarbiyyat-i Islami], Online first.
- Clancey, G., Evans, D., Little, C. (2021). Review of the extended school year model and literature review: Final report prepared for the NSW Department of Education. Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.
- Spandagou, I., Little, C., Evans, D., Bonati, M. (2020). Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings. TBC. [More Information]
- Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2020). Listening to the voices of students on inclusive education: Responses from principals and teachers in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Research, 103, 1-9. [More Information]
- Evans, D., Andriana, E. (2019). Application of UDL principles to promote access to education for all students. 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Magamba: International Association of Special Education. [More Information]
- Vibulpatanavong, K., Evans, D. (2019). Phonological awareness and reading in Thai children. Reading and Writing, 32(2), 467-491. [More Information]
- Li, L., Evans, D. (2019). Research on construction and implementation of professional support team of inclusive education in Australia - Taking New South Wales state as an example. Bijiao Jiaoyu Yanjiu / International and Comparative Education, 41(7), 107-112.
- Goddard, C., Evans, D. (2018). Primary pre-service teachers' attitudes towards inclusion across the training years. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(6), 122-142. [More Information]
- Evans, D., Andriana, E., Setiani, P., Kumara, A. (2018). Universal Design for Learning to support learning in Gunung Kidul. In M. Best, T. Corcoran, R. Slee (Eds.), Who's in? Who's out?: What to do about inclusive education, (pp. 71-87). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2017). "Why I am chosen as inclusion child?": Listening to students' voice on school experiences of inclusion in Indonesia. In Vicky Plows, Ben Whitburn (Eds.), Inclusive education: Making sense of everyday practice, (pp. 175-193). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [More Information]
- Evans, D. (2017). Examining the literacy within numeracy to provide access to the curriculum for all. In Marion Milton (Eds.), Inclusive principles and practices in literacy education, (pp. 35-51). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
- Alharthi, N., Evans, D. (2017). Special education teachers' attitudes towards teaching students with learning disabilities in middle schools in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Modern Education Studies, 1(1), 1-15. [More Information]
- Villeneuve, M., Evans, D., Sadirin, S., Andriana, E., Bonati, M., Little, C., Millington, M. (2016). Collaborative action across health and education sectors for inclusion of children with disabilities in education: Establishing a policy vision and research agenda in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney. [More Information]
- Strnadova, I., Evans, D. (2016). Students with Down Syndrome in Inclusive Classrooms: Using Evidence-Based Practices. In Lindsay Peer, Gavin Reid (Eds.), Special Educational Needs: A Guide for Inclusive Practice, (pp. 201-212). London: Sage Publications.
- Evans, D. (2015). Curriculum adaptations. In Adrian Ashman (Eds.), Education for Inclusion and Diversity, (pp. 102-128). Melbourne: Pearson Australia.
- Andriana, E., Evans, D. (2015). Hearing voices: An art-based participatory study on children’s experiences of inclusion at a primary school in Indonesia. 1st International Conference on Special Education (ICSE), Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO SEN.
- Rawsthorne, M., Evans, D., Young, A., Andriana, E. (2015). Learning support in NSW public schools, June 2015, (pp. 5 - 132). Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney.
- Wood, P., Evans, D., Spandagou, I. (2014). Attitudes of principals towards students with disruptive behaviour: An Australian perspective. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 38(1), 14-33. [More Information]
- Little, C., Vibulpatanavong, K., Evans, D. (2014). Investigating Thai teachers attitudes toward students with Autism. Journal of Education Research, 9(1), 207-215. [More Information]
- Arciuli, J., Villar, G., Colmar, S., Evans, D., Einfeld, S., Parmenter, T. (2013). Home-based reading between mothers and their children with autism spectrum disorders. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 18(1), 17-33. [More Information]
- Strnadova, I., Evans, D. (2013). Schooling transitions within the lifespan of people with an intellectual disability: Perceptions and recommendations of ageing mothers. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 37(1), 64-78. [More Information]
- Little, C., Evans, D. (2012). Conceptualizing social inclusion within teacher education. In Chris Forlin (Eds.), Future Directions for Inclusive Teacher Education: An International Perspective, (pp. 139-148). Oxon, UK: Routledge. [More Information]
- Evans, D. (2012). Curriculum adaptations. In Ashman A, Elkins, J. (Eds.), Education for inclusion and diversity, (pp. 193-222). Sydney: Pearson Australia.
- Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I., Atkinson, S., Boon, R., McInnes, L. (2012). Developing a Framework for Including all Teachers: The Implications for Design and Delivering a Comprehension In-Service Teacher Education Program. 7th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEl 2012), Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International Limited.
- Roberts, J., Williams, K., Carter, M., Evans, D., Parmenter, T., Silove, N., Clark, T., Warren, A. (2011). A randomised controlled trial of two early intervention programs for young children with autism: Centre-based with parent program and home-based. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(4), 1553-1566. [More Information]
- Wong, M., Evans, D. (2011). Assessing students' understanding of fraction equivalence. In Jenni Way & Janette Bobis (Eds.), Fractions: teaching for understanding, (pp. 81-90). Adelaide, SA: Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.
- Hwang, Y., Evans, D. (2011). Attitudes Towards Inclusion: Gaps Between Belief and Practice. International Journal of Special Education, 26(1), 136-146.
- Ishimine, K., Wilson, R., Evans, D. (2010). Quality of Australian childcare and children's social skills. International Journal of Early Years Education, 18(2), 159-175. [More Information]
- Spandagou, I., Evans, D., Little, C. (2009). Primary education preservice teachers' attitudes on inclusion and perceptions on preparedness to respond to classroom diversity. AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- McDougall, M., Evans, D., Spandagou, I. (2009). Teaching phonics and sight words to Year One through the medium of "working with words" and "games". Special Education Perspectives, 18(1), 35-46.
- Evans, D., Strnadova, I. (2008). Examining the range of strategies mothers use to cope when caring for a child with an intellectual disability. In Bottrell, Dorothy and Meagher, Gabrielle (Eds.), Communities and change: selected papers, (pp. 141-164). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
- Wong, M., Evans, D. (2008). Fractions as a measure. 31st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA31), Brisbane: MERGA.
- Wong, M., Evans, D. (2007). Assessing Students' Understanding of Fraction Equivalence. EARCOME 4 2007, 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Malaysia: Asian Academy of Management.
- Strnadova, I., Evans, D. (2007). Coping Strategies in Mothers of School-Aged Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 31(2), 159-170. [More Information]
- Evans, D. (2007). Developing mathematical proficiency in the Australian context: Implications for students with learning difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40(5), 420-426. [More Information]
- Moore, C., Evans, D., Dowson, M. (2005). The intricate nature of phonological awareness instruction. Special Education Perspectives, 14(1), 37-54.
- Evans, D. (2005). The Place of Contemporary Special Education: Voices and Experiences from the Field. 30th National Conference of the Australian Association of Special Education - AASE 2005, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: AASE. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Disability Awareness; co-created with students content to enhance engagement, Spandagou I, Evans D, Little C, Zanuttini J, Spencer M, Villeneuve M, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant
- What's in the Mix An Examination of How Different Components of a Teacher Education Program Influence Preservice Teachers' Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours, Zanuttini J, Little C, Spandagou I, Evans D, Australian Association of Special Education/Research Award
- Media, Inclusion, & Disability: Resources for Attitudinal Change (MIDRAC), Villeneuve M, Goggin G, Wadiwel D, Evans D, Bonati M, Little C, Millington M, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Federal)/Australia-Indonesia Institute