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Video analytics (activity and video event recognition)

This research project aims to develop new intelligent video analytics systems for understanding videos. more...

Supervisor(s): Xu, Dong (Professor)

Machine learning for visual recognition

This research project aims to develop new machine learning methods for various visual recognition tasks such as object/scene recognition, face and human gait recognition, activity r more...

Supervisor(s): Xu, Dong (Professor)

Biometrics (face recognition, human gait recognition or person re-identification)

This research project aims to develop new feature extraction and classification methods for face recognition, human gait recognition or person re-identification. more...

Supervisor(s): Xu, Dong (Professor)

New liquid-infused surfaces based on wrinkled Teflon

Investigation of the new families of slippery nanostructured surfaces with reduced hydrodynamic drag. more...

Supervisor(s): Neto, Chiara (Professor)

Optimisation of droplet roll-off on patterned surfaces

Investigation through molecular dynamics simulations the surface features that optimise the detachment and roll-off of liquid droplets. more...

Supervisor(s): Neto, Chiara (Professor)

Detecting Evolution of Learning Artefacts

When teams collaborate, there are certain generic artefacts (documents, figures, videos, code) that evolve over time. Can this evolution be captured and characterised? more...

Supervisor(s): Pardo, Abelardo (Dr)

Genomics of Golden Staph: Discovering genomic markers of transmission of Staphylococcus aureus in hospital settings

An opportunity exists for a PhD candidate to undertake work on the molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitals. Elements of the PhD project may include: more...

Supervisor(s): O’Sullivan, Matthew (Dr)

What Theory for Concurrency?

The goal of this project is to measure theoretically the concurrency one can expect out of a concurrent program for multicore.  more...

Supervisor(s): Gramoli, Vincent (Dr)

Computational Modeling of Immune Cell Chemotaxis and Swarming

 Using computational simulation to form and evaluate hypotheses concerning the factors that drive immune cell motility, such as neutrophil swarming, during inflammation. more...

Supervisor(s): Read, Mark (Dr)

Reusable Concurrent Data Types

The goal of this project is to propose a programming paradigm to make concurrent libraries reusable by other programmers. more...

Supervisor(s): Gramoli, Vincent (Dr)