Classics and Ancient History

Classics and Ancient History

History, literature and languages of the ancient Mediterranean

Classics and Ancient History

History, literature and languages of the ancient Mediterranean

In our dynamic area of study, new discoveries and new interpretations are constantly changing our understanding of the ancient world.

We explore the history, myths, art, archaeology, philosophy, languages, literature and personalities of ancient civilisations, teaching diverse topics from Roman law and emperors to Greek religion and democracy. 

As one of the largest disciplines of Classics and Ancient History in the Australasian region, we are home to academics and researchers who are leaders in their fields, with some being awarded Faculty Teaching Awards in recognition of their high-quality teaching. 

We also have close ties with the University of Sydney’s Nicholson Museum, which houses a large collection of artefacts from the ancient world. The museum is regularly used as a teaching space. 

Our study offering

Our research

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  • Professor Julia Kindt

    Discipline Chair

Useful links

Research projects and foundations

Our people

Seminars and events

Jacques-Louis David, Léonidas aux Thermopyles 1814 (Louvre). On the 2500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae

Contact us

School of Humanities

Room 607, Brennan MacCallum Building A18,
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (in Australia) 
+61 2 9351 2862 (outside Australia) 
