Enrolment pattern - The University of Sydney
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Bachelor of Music (Performance)


Enrolment pattern

Minimum levels of achievement

Resolutions Area of study Credit points Minimum levels of achievement to qualify for the award of pass degree
Principal Study Principal Study 72 Principal Study Performance 1-8 or 8 (RP)
Performance and Ensemble Performance and Ensemble 30 12 cps Organ Resources 1-4;
6 cps Chamber Music 1-2;
12 cps in Performance or Ensemble or Composer Performer Workshop (CPW) units
Core Music Skills 24 Harmony and Analysis 1-4;
Aural Perception 1-4
Analytical, Historical and Cultural Studies (AHCS) 24 0 cps Australian Indigenous Music;
6 cps This is Music;
12 cps in AHCS Foundation units;
6 cps in AHCS Elective units
Additional Core
Studio Pedagogy/Music Education
3 3 cps in studio pedagogy or music education unit
Final Year Project
Professional and Industry Skills 12 Music Specialist Creative Project 1-2 (or Industry Community Project units)
Electives Electives 27 Electives from music (Table A) and/or Table S and/or Table O.

Enrolment pattern

Semester 1 CP Semester 2 CP Semester 3 CP Semester 4 CP
Principal Study Performance 1
6 PERF1642
Principal Study Performance 2
6 PERF2643
Principal Study Performance 3
6 PERF2644
Principal Study Performance 4
Aural Perception; Harmony and Analysis
6 Aural Perception; Harmony and Analysis 6 Aural Perception; Harmony and Analysis 6 Aural Perception; Harmony and Analysis 6
Organ Resources 1
3 ORGN1009
Organ Resources 2
3 ORGN2008
Organ Resources 3
3 ORGN2009
Organ Resources 4
Performance/ Ensemble 3 Performance/ Ensemble 3 CHMB1301
Chamber Music 1
3 CHMB1302
Chamber Music 2
This is Music
6 AHCS Foundation units 0 AHCS Foundation units 6 AHCS Elective 6
Australian Indigenous Music
  24   24   24   24
Semester 5 CP Semester 6 CP Semester 7 CP Semester 8 CP
Principal Study Performance 5
12 PERF3646
Principal Study Performance 6
12 PERF4647
Principal Study Performance 7
12 PERF4648
Principal Study Performance 8 or PERF4649 Principal Study Performance 8 (RP)
Performance/Ensemble or CPW units 3 Performance/Ensemble or CPW units 3 SCMP4601
Music Specialist Creative Project 1 or ICPU
6 SCMP4602
Music Specialist Creative Project 2 or ICPU
Elective 6 Elective 9 Elective 6 Elective 6
Studio Pedagogy/Music Education 3            
  24   24   24   24