Dalyell Scholars - The University of Sydney
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Dalyell Scholars

If you’re a Dalyell Scholar or have been offered a place in the Dalyell stream, make sure you understand what it involves, the opportunities available and how to manage your studies in the stream.

Dalyell Scholars

The Dalyell stream offers commencing students who achieve the guaranteed ATAR (or equivalent for admission pathways) of 98+ the opportunity to become a Dalyell Scholar. Through enrichment units, accelerated enrolment, mentoring and development opportunities, Dalyell Scholars have access to greater breadth and depth of learning in their degree.

Students who do not qualify on commencement but meet eligibility criteria may be invited to join the stream after finishing their first year of study. The University expects and supports every Dalyell Scholar to attain three key qualities. By the time you complete the stream, you will be able to:

  • analyse and interpret complex scenarios, structure problems and develop effective cross/ interdisciplinary, novel or research-based solutions to tackle systemic societal and global problems
  • demonstrate a high degree of capability, resilience and agility in operating across cultural boundaries and engage ethically, respectfully and professionally in inter and cross-cultural settings and on the world stage
  • integrate deep disciplinary knowledge and synthesise multiple viewpoints, practices or disciplines into your own perspective and use this to influence others.

Accepting your Dalyell offer

As a new student

Generally you will be invited into the Dalyell stream when you are accepting your offer to your course. If you are enrolling in a combined degree, Dalyell will only be offered for one of your degrees. We may also contact you about joining the Dalyell stream after you have accepted your offer.

If you declined your offer to enter into the stream, you can still change your mind and accept through Sydney Student (go to 'My studies' then 'Enrolment'). Here you can view your Dalyell status and accept your invitation.

If you've previously accepted your invitation, you can also change your response and decline.

Joining after your first year of study

If the Dalyell stream is available in your course, you may be invited to join the stream after your first year of study. Your eligibility for an invitation will be assessed against the below eligibility criteria, once you've received your results. If eligible, you will automatically receive an invitation to join the stream with instructions on how to accept in Sydney Student.

You will be eligible if:

Changing courses

If you're interested in joining the Dalyell stream but you're considering changing courses, you should seek advice from your faculty or school's Dalyell faculty lead or Dalyell coordinator before applying to change courses.

Changing courses after joining the Dalyell stream

If you decide to transfer into a new course that offers the Dalyell stream, your Dalyell status may not automatically be transferred. Please contact the Dalyell faculty lead or Dalyell faculty coordinator from the faculty of your new course to discuss your transfer and ensure your enrolment in the Dalyell stream is maintained.

If you don't have enough remaining units of study to complete the Dalyell requirements, in addition to the requirements of your new degree, you may not be able to remain in the Dalyell stream.

MySydney Entry and Scholarship Scheme

The MySydney Scheme offers eligible students entry on a reduced ATAR, an $8,500 per annum scholarship for the duration of their undergraduate degree and a range of additional support.

How to apply

You do not need to apply for MySydney. UAC will automatically assess your eligibility based on the residential address you enter in your UAC undergraduate application.

To be eligible, you must be:

High school students and non-recent school leavers will both be eligible under the scheme.

If you’re eligible, place your chosen MySydney course as your highest eligible UAC preference. If you meet the MySydney ATAR, and other admission requirements, you will be made an unconditional offer to study and receive the MySydney Scholarship.

Your Dalyell coordinator

There are Dalyell coordinators in each faculty or school, who can advise you about academic and co-curricular opportunities available within the stream and help you to manage your Dalyell status.

If you’re not sure who your Dalyell coordinator is, contact the Dalyell faculty lead in the faculty managing your Dalyell stream. They can put you in touch with your Dalyell coordinator.

If you are enrolled in a combined degree and aren’t sure which faculty manages your Dalyell stream, first you'll need to search for your degree in Sydney Courses. The faculty managing your degree will be listed under ‘Course details’.

Guide for Dalyell Scholars

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Last updated: 22 November 2024

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