Opportunities and professional development - The University of Sydney
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Dalyell Scholars

Opportunities and professional development

Opportunities and professional development

Mentoring and professional skills development

As a Dalyell Scholar you have access to mentoring to help you develop your leadership potential. Mentoring is co-curricular, meaning it doesn't contribute to your degree requirements.

There are three parts to the mentoring:

  1. peer-to-peer mentoring – to get to know your peers and help you transition successfully to University
  2. academic mentoring – to help identify your goals and plan your degree
  3. professional mentoring – to help you explore career pathways through mentoring from alumni and academics.

Your Dalyell coordinator will help you get started.

Dalyell student representatives

The University values Dalyell Scholars as future leaders and wants to give you a role in shaping your opportunities within the Dalyell stream. Each year, Dalyell faculty leads will appoint two student representatives from each faculty or school offering the Dalyell stream. Student representatives are chosen through an expression of interest (EOI) process at the beginning of each new academic year. If you are interested in becoming a Dalyell student representative, contact your Dalyell faculty lead.

Mobility opportunities

Each Dalyell Scholar is entitled to a Dalyell Global Mobility Scholarship of up to $2000. We encourage you to use this towards either a short-term global experience (winter, summer or internship) or a semester exchange program. See our Study abroad and exchange page for more information on the programs available to you.

In response to international travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, current Dalyell Scholars may also use the Dalyell Global Mobility Scholarship towards domestic and virtual enrichment experiences as long as they reach agreed criteria. All domestic and virtual enrichment experiences must meet the intent of the scholarship, be of direct relevance to your course of study, and be approved by your Dalyell faculty lead.

Once you are accepted into a program, or have registered for a course or activity, you will need to submit a request for the Dalyell Global Mobility Scholarship.

Credit towards Dalyell requirements while on exchange

You may apply to have units undertaken while on exchange credited as exchange credit towards the 12 credit points of Dalyell units required for the Dalyell Stream.

Students who wish to do this must apply for conditional credit approval as set out in the Student Outbound Mobility Policy 2018. Decisions about exchange credit for Dalyell units will be taken by the relevant Associate Dean, in consultation with Dalyell faculty leads of the faculty administering the degree in which you are enrolled.

Exchange credit may be sought for study in:

  • units within a comparable enrichment program for talented students in a partner institution
  • advanced interdisciplinary units
  • advanced units with comparable learning outcomes to a Dalyell unit at the University of Sydney
  • other units which meet the objectives of the Dalyell Stream as determined by the relevant Dalyell coordinator.

Dalyell Scholars e-community and events

When you join the Dalyell stream, you will have access to the Dalyell Scholars e-community in Canvas. This e-community will allow you to interact with your peers who are enrolled in the stream and come from a wide range of courses across the University. Announcements are regularly posted by Dalyell faculty leads, so you can find out about co-curricular aspects of the stream and receive important messages from your faculty.

Participating in co-curricular and academic opportunities available within the stream will help you to get to know your fellow high achieving students from across faculties, schools and disciplines. The e-community in Canvas will help you find out about upcoming co-curricular opportunities.

Dalyell Scholars have the opportunity to apply for a Student Life Grant under the Dalyell stream. This program provides funding and support for students to creative innovate co-curricular projects that build a sense of community in the Dalyell stream.

Guide for Dalyell Scholars

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Last updated: 14 March 2025

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