Research Supervisor Connect

Passive enhancement of heat dissipation by natural convection


The project aims to explore innovative passive techniques for enhancing heat dissipation by natural convection with potential application to electronic cooling.


Professor Chengwang Lei.

Research location

Civil Engineering

Program type



Natural convection based heat exchangers and heat dissipation systems are commonly adopted in domestic and industrial processes such as in space heating, cooling and ventilation systems, in solar hot water units, and in cooling electronic devices etc. These systems have distinct advantages compared to forced convection systems as they do not require external energy input and are reliable. However, the heat transfer rate of natural convection based systems is generally low, and it is desirable to enhance their performance. In this project, we will develop advanced understanding of the stability properties and laminar-to-turbulent transition of thermal boundary layers, which determine the efficiency of heat transfer by natural convection. Built on the advanced understanding, innovative passive strategies for enhancing heat dissipation by natural convection will be developed.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2533

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