Research Supervisor Connect

Flow induced vibration of bluff bodies


The project aims to investigate passive flow control strategies for enhancing and/or suppressing flow induced vibration.


Professor Chengwang Lei.

Research location

Civil Engineering

Program type



Bluff bodies exposed to steady or unsteady flows of air or water are common in engineering systems. Examples include offshore pipelines, undersea cables, high-rise buildings and industrial chimneys etc. The hydrodynamic behaviour of these structures is of particular interest from engineering design point of view and has attracted significant research interests. An intrinsic flow phenomenon determining the hydrodynamic behaviour is vortex shedding, which results in both in-line and transverse periodic forces on the structures and in turn flow induced motion (FIM). On one hand, FIM may lead to fatigue failure of structures, and thus is undesirable from the structure safety point of view. Researchers have been actively developing strategies to suppress the FIM of structures. On the other hand, FIM may be used to capture the kinetic energy of the flow and convert it into electricity, which is another active research area. To maximise the efficiency of energy harvesting, both active and passive strategies have been developed to enhance FIM. Our research on this topic covers both research directions, and our focus is on developing passive strategies to either enhance or suppress FIM of cylindrical structures under different settings.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2535

Other opportunities with Professor Chengwang Lei