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Unit of study_

Operating Systems Internals

Operating Systems Internals - COMP3520. Year - 2023. This unit will provide a comprehensive discussion of relevant OS issues and principles and describe how those principles are put into practice in real operating systems. The contents include

Dr Alen Brodaric

After a short time working in IT, graduated in the inaugural class of the MD program at the University of Queensland, Australia. He began his pre-vocational training at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital…
Unit of study_

Life and Evolution (SSP)

Life and Evolution (SSP) - BIOL1996. Year - 2023. Biology is an immensely diverse science. Biologists study life at all levels, from the fundamental building blocks (genes, and proteins) to whole ecosystems in which myriad species interact.
Unit of study_

Philosophy of Human Rights

Philosophy of Human Rights - PHIL3613. Year - 2023. This unit addresses central themes from the history and philosophy of human rights. Topics may include justifications for human rights, dangers and threats to human rights, the meaning and role of

Professor Robyn Ward

Professor Ward graduated from the University of New South Wales with a MBBS (Hons 1) in 1984 and then trained as a physician and a scientist, gaining fellowship of the Royal Australian College of…

Professor Georges Grau

2006 - present: Professor, Chair of Vascular Immunology, Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney 1999 - 2006: Professeur des Universites…
Unit of study_

Anthropology in the World

Anthropology in the World - ANTH1002. Year - 2023. As humans, culture completes us, but we also create culture through our words and deeds. Social and cultural anthropologists are engaged in both cultural description and cultural criticism: their
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Theories in Political Economy

Theories in Political Economy - ECOP3911. Year - 2023. This unit seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the various theoretical frameworks within which political economic analysis is constructed, and to which you have been introduced in other
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Sociology of the Body

Sociology of the Body - SCLG3609. Year - 2023. Our bodies are an important way we interact with society. Our identities, interactions with power and social and political institutions and even our leisure are mediated through and upon the body.
Unit of study_

Introduction to Political Theory

Introduction to Political Theory - GOVT2112. Year - 2023. Political theory helps us to better understand the ideas that have shaped our politics, including freedom, equality, power, and justice. This unit of study will introduce students to major