Results that match 1 of 2 words


Dr Smitha Sukumar

Smitha is a practicing general dentist and early career clinician-scientist at the Adler Laboratory, Charles Perkins Centre. Her research focuses on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), one of the…

Dr Danielle Muscat

Dr Danielle Muscat is a Senior Research Fellow and Applied and Translational Research Lead of the Sydney Health Literacy Lab at the University of Sydney. She is also the Director of Research for the…
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Social and Political Philosophy

Social and Political Philosophy - PHIL6107. Year - 2023. Social philosophy and political philosophy are closely related fields which address the role of the individual in society and ask how should we, as human beings, live together. This unit will
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Statistical Thinking with Data

Statistical Thinking with Data - MATH1005. Year - 2023. In a data-rich world, global citizens need to problem solve with data and evidence based decision-making is essential in every field of research and work. This unit equips you with the
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Data Science, Big Data and Data Variety

Data Science, Big Data and Data Variety - DATA2001. Year - 2023. This course focuses on methods and techniques to efficiently explore and analyse large data collections. Where are hot spots of pedestrian accidents across a city? What are the most
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Research in German as a Foreign Language

Research in German as a Foreign Language - GRMN3613. Year - 2023. This unit will examine themes from the field of Research in Language Teaching and Learning (Sprachlehrforschung) as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of German as a

Professor David Lyle

Garne, D., Perkins, D., Boreland, F., Lyle, D. (2009). Frequent users of the Royal Flying Doctor Service primary clinic and aeromedical services in remote New South Wales: a quality study.
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Vector Calculus and Differential Equations

Vector Calculus and Differential Equations - MATH2021. Year - 2023. This unit opens with topics from vector calculus, including vector-valued functions (parametrised curves and surfaces; vector fields; div, grad and curl; gradient fields and

Associate Professor Robert Conway

Attended The University of Sydney Medical School, graduating MB BS with first class honors in 1989 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1998. Advanced Fellowship training in ocular oncology and ophthalmic…
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Introduction to Economic Statistics

Introduction to Economic Statistics - ECMT1010. Year - 2023. The ability to access, utilise, understand, and communicate stories contained within data is a core competency for all economics graduates in our information-rich society. Statistical