Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Calculus Of One Variable

Calculus Of One Variable - MATH1021. Year - 2023. Calculus is a discipline of mathematics that finds profound applications in science, engineering, and economics. This unit investigates differential calculus and integral calculus of one variable and
Unit of study_

Making Policy in Political Context

Making Policy in Political Context - GOVT2941. Year - 2023. Public policy is about what governments do or choose not to do. This unit explores how public policy is formulated, implemented and evaluated, and what governance processes are typically

Dr Clare Britton

Clare Britton is an artist interested in attention, time, and landscapes. Clare creates original images (video, photography, sculpture, production design) and experiences (exhibitions, performances,…

Associate Professor Katrina Bosward

Research Passion: Following the completion of a BSc(Vet) in 1990 and BVSc in 1991 at the University of Sydney, Katrina worked in mixed and small animal veterinary practice. Katrina returned to the…
Unit of study_

Reading Seminar in Mathematics and Statistics

Reading Seminar in Mathematics and Statistics - MATH6980. Year - 2023. This unit provides postgraduate students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in their academic domain and assists them to engage in their research. Through reading

Dr Rebecca Venchiarutti

Dr Rebecca Venchiarutti is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Clinical Epidemiology at the Sydney School of Public Health. She is a health services researcher whose work focuses on improving access to…

Professor John Prineas

Professor Prineas trained in internal medicine at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH), Sydney, and the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, UK , and in neurology at the National Hospitals for Nervous…
Current students / Knowledge article_

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Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Periodontics)

Develop technical skills in periodontal implants and clinical periodontics with a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Periodontics). In this dental course you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the field of periodontology. Read more about