Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Advanced Industry and Community Project A

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023.
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HDR Quantum Nanoscience

HDR Quantum Nanoscience - PHYS5126. Year - 2024. Modern nanofabrication and characterisation techniques now allow us to build devices that exhibit controllable quantum features and phenomena. We can now demonstrate the thought experiments posed by
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International Business Strategy

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023. Department/School: International Business. ... Location. Remote. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023.
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Research Topics in German Philosophy

Research Topics in German Philosophy - PHIL6104. Year - 2023. This unit will examine key questions, texts, thinkers and movements in the history of German philosophy. Topics to be considered may include Kant and post-Kantian philosophy;
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Foundation in Accounting

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024. Department/School: Accounting. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024.
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Business Dissertation A

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Faculty/department permission required?: Yes. Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1.
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Business Dissertation B

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Faculty/department permission required?: Yes. Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1.
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Knowledge Management Systems

One of the key knowledge management technologies, Business Intelligence Systems, will be covered in detail. ... Some of the main themes to be covered will include: KM- Conceptual Foundations; Taxonomies of organizational knowledge and KM mechanisms;
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Quantitative Business Analysis

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023. Department/School: Business Analytics. ... Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 16 Jan 2023.