Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Marketing Research

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Marketing. ... Location. Remote. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
Unit of study_

Advanced Industry and Community Project B

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Remote. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
Unit of study_

Marketing for Social Change

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Intensive February. 15 Jan 2024. Department/School: Marketing.
Unit of study_

Business Process Management

The unit also develops practical skills in modelling and simulating processes using business process management tools. ... Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024. Department/School: Business Information Systems.
Unit of study_

Scandals, Scams and Ethics in Finance

Despite legislators and courts increasingly imposing higher standards in an attempt to secure appropriate ethical conduct from business, the number of high profile cases of questionable or unethical behaviour making headlines ... Details. Faculty:
Unit of study_

Sustainable Plant Production

Each project group will then compile a 'consultant's report' for the landholder(s), detailing the issue or problem, the diagnosis and the recommended management strategies to optimize crop production/business
Unit of study_

Markets in Crypto-Assets

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2. 29 Jul 2024. Department/School: Finance.