Results that match 1 of 2 words

Unit of study_

Business Dissertation

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Faculty/department permission required?: Yes. Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1.
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Soil Processes, Assessment and Management

Soil Processes, Assessment and Management - AFNR5511. Year - 2023. Soils support agricultural and natural ecosystems and regulate environmental interactions between the hydrosphere and atmosphere. It is the quality of our soils that affect
Unit of study_

Business Competition

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023. Department/School: Business School. ... Location. Remote. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 20 Feb 2023.
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Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 3

Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 3 - GRKA7003. Year - 2024. This unit gives students the opportunity to build on the foundations of earlier study of Ancient Greek and develop their skills in reading and analysing Ancient Greek texts. It involves both