Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Services Science Management and Engineering

This unit offers IT graduates and professionals an understanding of the role of IT-centric services in a social, economic and business context, as well as knowledge of the principles of ... Students learn how to apply these skills in business consulting
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Research Essay

Details. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 1. 19 Feb 2024. Department/School: Work and Organisational Studies. ... Faculty/department permission required?: Yes. Location. Camperdown. Faculty: Business (Business School). Semester 2.
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Financial and Investor Communication

Financial and Investor Communication - MECO6911. Year - 2023. Effective communication of financial and business information stems from an understanding of how corporations should communicate and the environment in which they operate.
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Discourses of Globalisation

and the media, climate change, popular music, diplomacy, tourism and international business communication.
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HDR Astrophysics and Space Science

HDR Astrophysics and Space Science - PHYS5122. Year - 2023. Modern astrophysics covers a vast range of scales, from processes within the Solar System which allow for direct testing, to processes that take place in distant places and times, such as
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Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 4

Ancient Greek for Postgraduates 4 - GRKA7004. Year - 2024. This unit gives students the opportunity to build further on language knowledge and translation skills, while developing expertise in the literary study of Ancient Greek texts. It involves